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National Parks of India - Part 7

In earlier articles, we have known the National Parks of India located in some states, whose links are as follows –

National Parks of India

A national park is a large area, consisting of one or several different types of ecosystems or biomes, where human activities, acquisition or grazing of cattle, hunting, etc., are not allowed in any way. Various types of trees, plants and wildlife reside in these areas. National Parks are established by the Central Government with the aim of providing safe habitats to forests and wildlife.

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A. National park of India located in Andaman and Nicobar Islands

National park of India located in Andaman and Nicobar Islands is as follows - 

  1. Campbell Bay National Park
  2. Galathea National Park
  3. Middle Button Island National Park
  4. North Button Island National Park
  5. South Button Island National Park
  6. Mahatma Gandhi Marine (Wandur) National Park
  7. Rani Jhansi Marine National Park
  8. Sandal Peak National Park
  9. Mount Harriet National Park

Carbon Footprint : Impact and Prevention

01. Campbell Bay National Park

  • Declared as a National Parks of India in 1992  
  • Located in Nicobar District Andaman and Nicobar Islands. 
  • It is a part of the Great Nicobar Biosphere Reserve.
  • It is situated at a distance of 12 km from Galathea National Park, which is a buffer zone between these two parks.
  • The mangrove forests here represent a rich ecosystem.
  • Thick tropical evergreen forests are found here.

02. Galathea National Park

  • Declared as a National Parks of India in 1992. 
  • Located in Nicobar District , Andaman and Nicobar Islands.
  • It is a part of the Great Nicobar Biosphere Reserve.
  • Sompen, one of the ancient tribal tribes of the world, resides here.
  • Here rare species of creatures like giant leather back turtle, python (python), tree shrews, robber crab (coconut crab), wild pig, water monitor lizard, pigeon malayan, fruit bat, megapode etc. are found.

03. Middle Button Island National Park

  • Declared as a National Parks of India in 1987 
  • Located in Andaman District , Andaman and Nicobar Islands.
  • This park was established in 1987.
  • This park is mainly protected for spotted deer. Apart from this, many other types of creatures are found here.
  • Here salt water crocodile, dolphins, sea turtle, water lizard, many small fishes and corals are found.

04. North Button Island National Park

  • Declared as a National Parks of India in 1987
  • Located in Andaman District , Andaman and Nicobar Islands.
  • South Button National Park and Middle Button Island National Park are located near it.
  • This island is surrounded by the blue waters of the ocean from all sides, that is, it is surrounded by the Indian Ocean in the Bay of Bengal.
  • Apart from water lizard, monitor lizard, blue whales, sea turtle, dugong, and dolphins, many other creatures reside here.

05. South Button Island National Park

  • Declared as a National Parks of India in1987
  • Located in Andaman District , Andaman and Nicobar Islands.
  • Here dugongs, water lizard, monitor lizard, dolphins, blue whales and many types of colored fish are found in the water.
  • Coral reefs found in shallow water are the main vegetation here, which are also found up to a depth of about 6 feet or 1.8 meters.

Carbon Footprint : Impact and Prevention

06. Mahatma Gandhi Marine (Wandur) National Park

  • Declared as a National Parks of India in1999 
  • Located in Wandoor under South Andaman district , Andaman and Nicobar Islands.
  • It is a marine park (aquatic park).
  • This park has been preserved mainly for the breeding of corals and turtle.
  • About 20 islands have been placed under this marine park, out of which two large island groups, labyrinth island and twin island, are there.
  • The largest island here is Tarmugli, which is covered with mangrove forests and surrounded by beach sand.

07. Rani Jhansi Marine Marine National Park

  • Declared as a National Parks of India in 1996
  • Located in Andaman District , Andaman and Nicobar Islands.
  • Crocodile, dugong, coral reefs, fruit eating bat, green turtle, leather back turtle are mainly found here.
  • Mangrove forests are found on the shores of this island.

08. Sandal Peak National Park

  • Declared as a National Parks of India in1987
  • Located in Andaman District , Andaman and Nicobar Islands.
  • Saddle is the name of the highest peak located in the Andaman and Nicobar Islands.
  • Human habitation is not found on this island.
  • Patches of white sand and coastal rocks are found around this island.
  • Many rare and extinct creatures reside here.

09. Mount Harriet National Park

  • Declared as a National Parks of India in1987 
  • Located at a distance of 20 km from Port Blair , Andaman and Nicobar Islands.
  • Mount Harriet is the third highest peak of the Andaman and Nicobar Islands.
  • The park was named after Harriet C. Taylor, the second wife of British officer Robert Christopher Taylor.
  • The endangered Andaman wild boar, saltwater crocodile, robber crab, turtle etc. reside here.
  • It is also a butterfly hotspot.
  • Tribal tribe Nigroto resides here.

Genetic Terminology - Genetics


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