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Carbon Footprint : Impact and Prevention

Carbon Footprint

You must have often heard about global warming. This is a universal and widespread phenomenon, due to which the entire earth is being negatively affected. The sea level is rising rapidly, due to which the number of floods on the coast has increased. Carbon dioxide (CO2) is one of the primary causes of global warming. It is a green house gas, which increases the heat of the atmosphere. Industrial units play a big role in increasing the amount of this greenhouse gas. Therefore, it is necessary that we protect our earth from rising temperature. Industrial units and corporate world need to take initiative for this. Along with this, through various organizations and voluntary organizations, wide awareness and awareness should be run in this direction. This awareness should also be increased among the children studying in schools and colleges, proper material should be included in their curriculum. E-learning and digital learning can play an important role in reducing carbon footprint, aspects of which we will understand in this article –

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Carbon Footprint

Impact of Carbon Footprint

Carbon footprint (carbon dioxide) is a major component of green house gases. Its quantity is increasing day by day in the atmosphere. Due to which the following problems are appearing –

  1. It is playing a major role in climate change, due to which the weather is not changing on time. As the average global temperature warms, our climate naturally warms as well. Due to this, extreme weather events like tropical storms, forest fires, severe drought and heat waves, cyclonic storms are happening.
  2. The ozone layer of the atmosphere is being damaged, due to which the ultraviolet rays are coming directly to the earth.
  3. Climate change alters our environment and natural habitats, affecting various native species. Some species may disappear completely, while some new species may arise.
  4. The natural habitats of animals and birds are being destroyed.
  5. It directly affects humans as well. Increased smog and air pollution lead to more respiratory diseases. Many other diseases are also arising.
  6. Due to the effect of ultraviolet rays, many types of skin diseases and new diseases are arising in humans.
  7. negatively affecting crop production. It is increasing the efficiency of water use in crops. They can also create an imbalance in nitrogen and carbon, which can reduce essential nutrients such as iron, zinc and protein for crops. ,
  8. Due to its effect, there is a danger of destroying both the crop yield and the fertility of the land.
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Reduce Carbon Footprint

How can we reduce carbon footprint? This is a complex question, but it is not that we cannot control it. There are many ways to reduce the carbon footprint. If we want to save this planet of ours, keep ourselves alive, then we have to improve the way we work. We have to increase our expertise. However, many guidelines have been issued by the government to reduce carbon dioxide. Many companies are also following this. But does it meet the requirement? No, we need to take more initiative for this. Many organizations are also taking necessary and environment friendly steps in this direction. E-learning, digital learning etc. can be important steps in this direction.

1. Say No to Paper

Paper is an important item to be used in any office or organization. According to a report – “Each piece of paper used in an organization releases more than 2 kilograms of CO2 into the environment. Each ream of paper weighs on average about 2.5 kilograms, and globally we consume about 300 million tons annually.” use paper. Therefore, according to the above report, we can estimate the amount of free carbon dioxide in the atmosphere every year.

If we adopt e-learning, digital learning, then it will greatly reduce or eliminate the need of paper in books, text books, test books or assignment sheets and other office use. Thus, it will convert a long route into a short one to reduce the carbon footprint.

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2. Reducing the Need For Transportation

In a traditional system of education, the teacher or employee has to attend a lecture in an organized classroom located at one place. We mean that teacher or employee has to go from one place to another to participate in the class. Now he has to use car, bus, motor cycle or any other means to go from one place to another. If he goes on foot or by cycle, he may be late for work or may have other dilemmas. Traveling by oil-driven vehicles means increasing the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. According to a report, one third of the greenhouse gas generated on earth comes from vehicles.

If we adopt e-learning and digital medium, then teacher or employee will not have to travel from one place to another. They can train or work directly from their smartphone, personal computer, laptop or tablet. This system reduces the need for transportation and proves to be very helpful in reducing the carbon footprint.

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3. Reduction in Consumption of Energy Resources

There are large-scale seminar halls, auditoriums, or conference rooms inside an organization or institution that consume energy through computers, projectors, and smart boards, mainly for traditional education. Adding to this the energy consumed by lighting and air conditioning, their quantity increases further. We all know that the electricity we use comes from burning millions of tons of fossil fuels. Millions of metric tons of carbon dioxide (CO2) are released into the atmosphere by burning coal to generate electricity, which increases the temperature of the earth by increasing the amount of greenhouse gases.

E-learning and digital medium can save energy. Through this, the energy requirement of the seminar hall, auditorium, or conference room will be reduced on a large scale within the organization or institution. Along with this, we can also increase the number of candidates taking training in online medium. Thus online training can train a large section of the workforce with minimal impact on the total energy expenditure and resources consumed.


At present, many organizations and institutions are rapidly adopting online learning platforms due to various reasons. If a comparison is made between the traditional classroom system and e-learning, then e-learning and digital medium are more accessible and convenient. Along with this, there are also positive environmental impact benefits. Due to the reduced greenhouse gas and carbon footprint on this planet, its temperature will be more controlled, which will increase its durability and longevity. And when the atmosphere is healthy, then living beings and humans will be healthy.

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