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Indian Martial Art - Part 4

Indian Martial Art

The literal meaning of 'martial art' is - 'art related to waging war'. As we all know, India is a country of traditions and cultures. Indian martial arts or martial arts are also one of the many variations of India. In ancient times, these martial arts played an important role in defeating the opposing side and establishing their supremacy over the dynasties and primitive tribes, but in the present context, if we look at these martial arts, they are used generally in Physical health benefits, for self-defense, for religious rites and in the film world. These martial arts are mainly related to dance, yoga and performance arts.

kick - martial art

Different Branches and Sub-Branches of Science and Their Fields of Study

Different Types of Indian Martial Arts

Different types of martial arts are prevalent in different states and regions of India, some of which we will see in this article. We will see the details of the remaining others in the next article under different articles as follows –

Indian Martial Art – Part 1 

Indian Martial Art – Part 2

Indian Martial Art – Part 3

Indian Martial Art – Part 4 

Kuttu Varisai : Karnataka

  • The meaning of Kuttu in 'Kuttu Varisai' is - 'Punching' and 'Varsai' means - 'Punching in a sequence'.
  • It is an unarmed Dravidian martial art, which is mainly prevalent in South India.
  • Origin - According to the Sangam literature, this art originated in the first or second century.
  • This martial art is used to improve footwork and athleticism using yoga, exercise and breathing exercises.
  • Technique and Fighting Style – It includes the techniques of grabbing, striking, entangle etc. similar to Malla war.
    • In this martial art, styles based on many styles adopted by animals are used. Like – snake, eagle, tiger, elephant and monkey arts etc.
  • Kai Varisai and Kolu Varisai are other forms of kuttu varisai.

Kathi Samu : Andhra Pradesh

  • 'Kathi Samu' is an ancient weapon based martial art of Andhra Pradesh.
  • The place where 'Kathi Samu' is performed is called 'Garidi'.
  • This art is performed only by those families, who used to be soldiers of the king in the past.
  • Technique and Fighting Style - At present, in place of the real metal sword, a stick called 'vari' is used, it is long and curved.
    • 'Gerja' - In this type of Martial art, the participants fight with two swords in one hand i.e. four swords in both the hands together.
    • 'Dal Farri Khadga' is another type of this martial art.
  • Baku Samu and Kara Samu – Andhra Pradesh has also other types of martial arts like Kathi Samu.
Kathi Samu

Boxing ( Gusthi ) : Tamil Nadu

  • Gusthi or boxing is a sport fought between two participants.
  • In this, the participant wears protective gloves or boxing gloves on his hands, and wears a mouthguard to protect his face.
  • In this, the competition between the participants is played in the form of a series at intervals of one to three minutes, which is controlled by a ring referee and another referee sitting outside.
  • Points are awarded on the basis of technical strikes, defenses etc. done by the participants.

Varma Kalai : Tamil Nadu

  • 'Varma Kalai' art originated in present day Tamil Nadu.
  • This art is also called 'Marma Kala'.
  • It is a fusion of massage, alternative medicine, traditional yoga and martial arts.
  • In this art, a person is harmed by hitting or applying pressure on the body's pressure point, which is also called 'worm', or someone is treated during practice.
  • This art was used on humans as well as animals.
    • By this art a mahout ( Elephant Driver ) can control an elephant.
  • Adi Thadi – Another martial art from Tamil Nadu.
Verma Kalai

Dao Khela / Phala Khela : West Bengal

  • Dao Khela and Phala Khela are martial arts played in West Bengal.


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