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Department Related Standing Committee

In the functioning of the Parliament House, after the financial committees, the most important committees are the department-related standing committees. The number of department-related standing committees is 24, we have come to know about these committees in the title of parliamentary committees. Under the title, we will know the structure of these committees, the various ministries/departments that come under these committees, as well as understand their functioning.

Department Related Standing Committee

Topographies Formed By River Erosion And Deposition

Department Related Standing Committee

The number of Department Related Standing Committees is 24, out of which 17 committees were formed in 1991 and 7 committees were formed in 2004 on the recommendation of the Rules Committee. Out of these 24 committees, we will learn about the major committees. The Ministries/Departments that come under the jurisdiction of these committees are the heads, whose details are as follows.

National Parks of India

1. Defense Committee

Only the Ministry of Defense comes under the jurisdiction of the Defense Committee, which has five departments.

  1. Ministry of Defence
    • Department of Defense
    • department of defense production
    • Department of Defense Research and Development
    • Ex-Servicemen Welfare Department
    • department of military affairs

2. Energy Committee

There are two ministries under the jurisdiction of the Energy Committee, which are as follows –

  1. Ministry of Power
  2. Ministry of New and Renewable Energy

3. Committee on Foreign Affairs

Only the work related to the Ministry of External Affairs comes under the Committee on Foreign Affairs.

  1. foreign Ministry

4. Finance Committee

The following ministries and departments come under the Finance Committee.
  1. Finance Ministry
    • Department of Economic Affairs
    • Department of Financial Services
    • Department of Expenditure
    • revenue Department
    • Department of Investment and Public Assets
  2. Ministry of Corporate Affairs
  3. Ministry of Statistics and Program Implementation
  4. NITI Aayog (formerly Planning Commission)

5. Committee on Food, Consumer Affairs and Public Distribution

Only one ministry and its departments come under this committee.
  1. Ministry of Consumer Affairs, Food and Public Distribution
    • Department of Food and Public Distribution
    • Department of Consumer Affairs

6. Information Technology Committee

The following 3 ministries come under the jurisdiction of this committee –
  1. Ministry of Communication
    • Postal Department
    • Department of Telecommunications
  2. Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology
  3. Ministry of Information and Broadcasting

7. Labor Committee

There are two ministries under the labor committee –
  1. Ministry of Labor and Employment
  2. Ministry of Textiles

8. Committee on Petroleum and Natural Gas

Only one ministry, the Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas, comes under this committee.

9. Rail Committee

Only the Ministry of Railways comes under the jurisdiction of the Railway Committee.

10. Agriculture Committee

We have read detailed information about Agriculture Committee under the heading Agriculture Committee . The following three ministries come under this committee –
  1. Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare
    • Department of Agriculture, Cooperation and Farmers Welfare
    • Department of Agricultural Research and Education
  2. Ministry of Fisheries, Animal Husbandry and Dairying
    • Animal Husbandry and Dairying Department
    • Fisheries Department
  3. Ministry of Food Processing Industries

11. Chemicals and Fertilizers Committee

  1. Ministry of Chemicals and Fertilizers
    • Department of Fertilizers
    • Department of Chemicals and Petroleum
    • Drug Department

12. Coal and Steel Committee

The following three ministries come under the jurisdiction of the Coal and Steel Committee. Whose detailed study we have done in the past under the title of Coal and Steel Committee –
  1. Ministry of Coal
  2. Ministry of Mines
  3. Ministry of Steel

13. Rural Development Committee

Rural Development Committee is a committee related to the development of rural areas. Two ministries and their departments come under the jurisdiction of this committee.
  1. Ministry of Rural Development
    • Rural Development Department
    • Department of Land Resources
  2. Ministry of Panchayati Raj

14. Committee on Social Justice and Empowerment

The Committee on Social Justice and Empowerment examines the work related to public welfare under various backward and tribal and minority ministries. Three ministries and their departments come under its jurisdiction.
  1. Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment
    • Department of Social Justice and Empowerment
    • Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities Department
  2. Ministry of Tribal Affairs
  3. Ministry of Minority Affairs

15. Water Resources Committee

Water Resources Committee is to investigate and submit report on the use of water resources, improvement in rejuvenation of Ganga, river development and action plan related to drinking water and sanitation. Ministry of Water Resources comes under this committee.
  1. Ministry of Water Resources
    • Water Resources, River Development and Ganga Rejuvenation Department
    • Drinking Water and Sanitation Department

16. Urban Development Committee

The Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs comes under the Urban Development Committee.

Features of Department Related Standing Committees

Following are the features of department related standing committees –
  • All these committees are standing committees.
  • Department-related Standing Committees have a total of 31 members, out of which 21 members are taken from the Lok Sabha and 10 members from the Rajya Sabha.
  • The tenure of these committees is one year.
  • The members of the committee are elected by the Speaker of the Lok Sabha and the Chairman of the Rajya Sabha or by the system of single transferable vote.
  • Secretarial assistance is provided to these committees by the Lok Sabha Secretariat or by the Rajya Sabha Secretariat.
  • The chairpersons of these committees are elected by the Speaker of the Lok Sabha.
  • No minister is elected as a member of these committees, if such a member assumes the post of a minister, then his post in the committee is deemed to have ended from the date of assuming the post of minister.

Functions of Standing Committees Related to Departments

The following are the functions of the standing committees related to the departments –
  • These committees consider the demands for annual grants of the Ministry/Department coming under their jurisdiction and submit their report.
  • These committees do not present any proposal regarding reduction in the demands for grants of the Ministry/Department.
  • These committees examine such bills which have been referred to the committee by the Speaker of the Lok Sabha or the Chairman of the Rajya Sabha.
  • These committees consider the report of the Ministry/Department coming under their jurisdiction and present their report on it in the House.
  • If the committee is entrusted by the Speaker of the Lok Sabha or the Chairman of the Rajya Sabha to examine the document related to the national basic long-term policy, then the committee considers it and presents its report to the House.
  • These committees do not deal with matters of day-to-day administration of the Ministries/Departments.
  • These committees establish parliamentary oversight over the administration of the Ministries/Departments.
  • These committees also disseminate necessary guidelines, guidance and information for comprehensive policy formulation and achievement of long-term national goals by the executive.
These committees do not consider such bills which are being considered by some other committee.


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