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Agriculture Committee

Ministries and Departments related to Agriculture

Agriculture Committee is a permanent committee related to the Ministries / Departments. Before knowing about the Agriculture Committee, we need to know about the Ministries and Departments related to Agriculture here. Under the Government of India, Agriculture, Farmers, Animal Husbandry, Fisheries, Dairy and There are three ministries associated with the industry, under which there are separate departments. 

agriculture ministries

Armed Forces Special Power Act- 1958 or AFSPA

Following is a brief description of all the Ministries/Departments related to Agriculture –

  1. Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare
    • Department of Agriculture, Cooperation and Farmers Welfare
    • Department of Agricultural Research and Education
  2. Ministry of Fisheries, Animal Husbandry and Dairying
    • Animal Husbandry and Dairying Department
    • Fisheries Department
  3. Ministry of Food Processing Industries

The Agriculture Committee submits its report on the reports of the above mentioned Ministries. We will understand the work related to the above ministries in another article, here we will know the formation and work of the Agriculture Committee.

Agriculture Committee

17 Standing Committees were constituted by the Legislature in 1993 for the purpose of investigation and scrutiny of various Ministries/Departments. After this, after the reorganization in 2004, 7 more standing committees were formed. In this way, a total of 24 standing committees are currently working. The Agriculture Committee considers the annual budget and policy matters related to the above mentioned Ministries/Departments and presents its report to the House.

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Features of Agriculture Committee

Agriculture Committee has the following characteristics –
  • Agriculture Committee is a standing committee.
  • There are a total of 31 members in the Agriculture Committee, out of which 21 members are from Lok Sabha and 10 members are from Rajya Sabha.
  • As we have read under the heading Parliamentary Committees, all the Standing Committees related to Ministries/Departments consist of 31 members.
  • Its tenure is of one year.
  • The members of the committee are elected by the Speaker of Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha.
  • The chairman of the committee is appointed from among the members of the Lok Sabha.
  • No minister is elected as a member of the committee, if a member is elected as a minister, then his position in the committee is considered vacant from the date the minister assumes office.
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Functions of Agriculture Committee

The functions of the Agriculture Committee are as follows –
  • The Committee considers the demands for grants of the concerned Ministries/Departments and sends its report to the House.
  • Committee to consider such Bills related to Ministries/Departments, which Lok Sabha Speaker or Rajya Sabha Speaker may refer to the Committee, and to submit its report to the Speaker or Chairman.
  • The committee studies and considers the annual reports of the concerned ministries/departments and submits its report.
  • If the Lok Sabha, Speaker of the Lok Sabha or Rajya Sabha nominates the committee, then the committee considers the bill / document related to the national basic long-term policy presented in the house and presents its report / conclusion.

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Functioning / Functioning of The Committee

The committee adopts the following working style –

1. Procedure for consideration of Demands for Grants

After the completion of the general budget in the Parliament House, the committee considers the demand for grants of the concerned ministry/department. The Committee prepares a separate report on the Demands for Grants of each Ministry/Department. No suggestion is made by the committee on the nature of the proposal to cut the demand for grants. After the committee presents its report to the house, the house considers the report of the committee.

2. Procedure for consideration of Bills

The Committee considers only such Bills, which have been restored in the House and have been referred to the Committee by the Speaker or the Chairman of the House. The committee submits its report within the given time.

3. Procedure related to examination of National Long Term Policy Document

The Committee examines the National Long Term Policy document presented in the House and presents its report to the House, if the Speaker of the Lok Sabha, Lok Sabha or the Chairman of the Rajya Sabha refers it to the Committee.

4. Procedure Related to Scrutiny of Annual Report

The committee selects other subjects for examination on the basis of annual reports of the Ministries/Departments coming under its jurisdiction.

5. Appointment Of Sub - Committees / Study Groups 

The committee may constitute sub-committees or study groups for detailed consideration / in-depth study of any subject and to review the action taken by SAARC on the suggestions / recommendations contained in the original report.

6. Study Tour / On Spot Tour

The committee can visit to scrutinize the implementation of the schemes implemented by the ministry of the government or to study any subject. Such visits by the committee will be done under the permission and rules of the Speaker of the House. The committee can visit a maximum of 10 days in two phases, each phase of which will be of 5 days.

7. Report Submitted by The Committee to the House

After considering the subjects under the concerned ministry/department of the committee and after verifying by the concerned ministry, the report is placed on the table of the Lok Sabha/Rajya Sabha.

8. Action Taken Report

The recommendations in the report submitted by the committee are suggestive and the ministries are expected to take action on the recommendations and respond to the action taken within three months. Thereafter the note/details of the action taken by the Ministry is placed on the Table of the House by the Committee.

Thereafter, a statement is made in the House once in six months on the implementation of the recommendations by the minister of the concerned ministry.

Key Words Related to Agriculture and Animal Husbandry 


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