Estimate Committee
The word estimate refers to making an estimate or making an estimate, that is, the work of the Estimates Committee is to estimate the budget in the operation of government policies and work. This committee suggests economy in the budget to be spent in accordance with government policies. Along with this, this committee also gives suggestions on work efficiency, efficiency and alternative policies in financial administration.
Features of Estimates Committee
The following are the characteristics of the Estimates Committee:
- The Estimates Committee is the largest standing committee in India.
- The Estimates Committee was constituted for the first time in the year 1950.
- This committee consists of 30 members, who are elected from the Lok Sabha through the proportional representation system.
- No Minister of the Government shall be a member of the Estimates Committee.
- The chairman of the committee is elected by the chairman from among the members.
- The term of the committee is only one year.
- Due to the suggestion of economy in the financial provisions, it is also called 'Economy Committee'.
- It is also known as the 'Third Chamber' because it is a guard against wastage in the expenditure of the government budget.
Functions of Estimates Committee
Following are the functions of the Estimates Committee –
- The work of the committee is related to the annual budget.
- The budget can be influenced by improvements in economy, organization, efficiency, or administrative reform, consistent with the underlying policy in committee budget estimates.
- The committee makes an in-depth and meticulous study of the annual budget estimates.
- The committee also suggests economy, efficiency, efficiency and alternative policies in financial administration.
- The committee also examines whether the funds are properly utilized or earmarked or spent within the limits of the policy contained in the budget estimates.
- The Committee may also examine matters of special interest which may arise or come to light in the course of its work or which may be referred to it by the Lok Sabha or the Speaker.
- The committee also suggests the form in which the estimates should be presented to the Parliament.
- The Committee on Estimates does not exercise its functions in respect of work allotted to public undertakings by the Lok Sabha or the Speaker under the procedure and rules.
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