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Parliamentary Committees

Parliamentary Committees

Such committees are appointed or elected by the House, or nominated by the Speaker and work under the direction of the Speaker and submit their report to the House or to the Speaker. Parliamentary committees are called.

The Secretariat of the Committee is provided by the Lok Sabha Secretariat. Due to excessive work and limited time, the Parliament is not able to consider various issues and legislative matters in depth. For this reason, he depends on parliamentary committees for all these works, that is, Parliament completes a lot of its work through these parliamentary committees.

street studies

Committees have existed in our country India since ancient times, but in present times, the development of parliamentary committees was implemented as a result of Montagu-Chelmsford's reforms. Due to the excessive work expansion of these committees, they are also called mini parliaments.

Internal Structure Of The Earth

Evolution of Parliamentary Committees : A Glance

  • In the year 1989, the Rules Committee of the Lok Sabha presented an outline for the constitution of three committees related to the subject department, which was accepted. Under this, Agriculture Committee, Environment and Forest Committee and Science and Technology Committee were formed.
  • In the year 1991, the Rules Committee again recommended that the government constitute a separate committee for all the departments, accepting which 17 committees were formed. A total of 45 members were nominated in these committees, in which 30 were nominated from the Lok Sabha and 15 from the Rajya Sabha. No member of the Council of Ministers can be a member of these committees. While the chairman of these committees is elected by the Speaker of the Lok Sabha from among the members.
  • In July 2004, the proposal to increase the number of committees from 17 to 24 was accepted by the Lok Sabha and the number of members in these committees was increased to 31, in which 21 are nominated from Lok Sabha and 10 from Rajya Sabha.

Constitution of Committees

    The committee related to the Lok Sabha is formed by the Lok Sabha and the committee related to the Rajya Sabha is formed by the Rajya Sabha. When a Joint Committee is constituted by both the Houses, it is called Joint Committee or Joint Select Committee. The Joint Committee consists of members of both the Lok Sabha and the Rajya Sabha. The chairman of the Joint Committee is elected by the Lok Sabha.

    Purpose of Parliamentary Committees

      Parliamentary committees have the following objectives –
      • To establish control over the executive.
      • To make the policies of administration effective.
      • Acting as a link between the public and the government.
      • To study any subject related to administration and the public and to investigate it when it is needed.
      • To educate the members of Parliament about the methods and problems of administrative operations.

      Types of Committees

      On the basis of Nature and Work , we can say that there are two types of Committees. that is - 
              ( A )  On the Basis of Nature 
                                ( 1 )  Standing Committees
                                ( 2 )  Ad hoc Committees
              ( B )  On the Basis of Methodology or Working Method
                                ( 1 )  Financial Committees
                                ( 2 )  Committees related to various departments
                                ( 3 )  Other Parliamentary Committees
                                ( 4 )  Ad hoc Committees  

      (A) On The Basis of Nature

      Based on the nature of the committees, they are mainly of two types –
      1. Standing Committees
      2. Ad hoc Committees

      1. Standing Committees

      Standing Committees are permanent and regular committees, which are constituted under the provisions of various Acts of Parliament or under the rules of procedure and conduct of business of Lok Sabha. Their work is of continuous nature. Financial committees and committees related to various departments are standing committees.

      2 . Ad hoc Committees

      A committee related to a specific task is called an ad hoc committee. When these committees submit their report, their tenure ends and they are dissolved. Select Committee / Joint Select Committee related to Bills are examples of Ad-hoc Committee.

      (B) On The Basis of Methodology or Working Method

      On the basis of working method, committees can be divided into the following categories –
      1. Financial Committees
      2. Committees Related to Various Departments
      3. Other Parliamentary Committees
      4. Ad hoc Committees

      1 . Financial Committees

      Such committees, which are formed for the purpose of expenditure and administrative reforms of the government, are called financial committees. Mainly three committees are included under this

      Sr. No.    

      Name of the Committee    


      No. of members          




      Estimates Committee                

      Related to

      Lok Sabha    

      30 Member                  

      One year


      Public Accounts Committee  

      Joint Parliamentary Committee

      22 Member   

      (15 from Lok Sabha and 7 from Rajya Sabha)


      One year


      Committee on Government  Undertakings       

              Joint Parliamentary   Committee       

      22 Member  

      (15 from Lok Sabha and 7 from Rajya Sabha)


      One year


      2 . Committees Related to Various Departments

      Committees related to departments under various ministries of the government have been placed under it. A total of 24 permanent committees have been kept under this. Their tenure will not exceed 1 year. The number of members in these committees is 31, out of which 21 members are elected from Lok Sabha and 10 members from Rajya Sabha. The names of these committees are as follows –

      Sr. No.

      Name of the Committee 

      Affiliation To 


      Committee on Commerce

      Rajya Sabha


      Committee on Home Affairs

      Rajya Sabha


      Committee on Human Resource Development

      Rajya Sabha


      Committee on Industry

      Rajya Sabha


      Committee on Science and Technology, Environment and Forests

      Rajya Sabha


      Committee on Transport, Tourism and Culture

      Rajya Sabha


      Committee on Health and Family Welfare

      Rajya Sabha


      Committee on Personnel, Public Grievances, Law and Justice

      Rajya Sabha


      Committee on Agriculture

      Lok Sabha


      Committee on Information Technology

      Lok Sabha


      Committee on Defense

      Lok Sabha


      Committee on Energy

      Lok Sabha


      Committee on Foreign Affairs

      Lok Sabha


      Committee on Finance

      Lok Sabha


      Committee on Food, Civil Supplies and Public Distribution

      Lok Sabha


      Committee on Labor

      Lok Sabha


      Committee on Petroleum and Natural Gas

      Lok Sabha


      Committee on Railways

      Lok Sabha


      Committee on Urban Development

      Lok Sabha


      Committee on Water Resources

      Lok Sabha


      Committee on Chemicals and Fertilizers

      Lok Sabha


      Committee on Rural Development

      Lok Sabha


      Committee on Coal and Steel

      Lok Sabha


      Committee on Social Justice and Empowerment

      Lok Sabha

      Lokpal : Structure & It's Function

      3 .  Other Parliamentary Committees

      The number of these standing committees is 16.

      Sr. No.

      Name of the Committee 

      No. of Members



      Business Advisory Committee          


      Not fixed, will remain till the reconstitution is done


      Privileges Committee


      Not fixed, will remain till reconstitution


      Committee related to absence of members from the meetings of the Sabha


      One Year


      Committee on empowering women

      30 (Lok Sabha - 20, Rajya Sabha - 10)

      One year



      Committee on Government Assurances


      One Year


      Committee on Papers Laid on the Table


      One Year


      Petition Committee


      Not fixed, will remain till reconstitution.



      Committee on Private Members' Bills and Resolutions


      One year


      Committee on Subordinate Legislation


      One year



      General Purposes Committee

      Not Assigned

      Not Assigned


      Housing Committee


      One year



      Joint Committee on Offices of Profit

      10 (Lok Sabha - 10,

      Rajya Sabha – 5)

      for the term of the Lok Sabha


      Joint Committee on Salary and Allowances of Members of Parliament

      10 (Lok Sabha - 10,

      Rajya Sabha – 5)  

      One year



      Library Committee

      9 ( Lok Sabha - 6 , Rajya Sabha - 3 )



      Rules Committee


      Not fixed, will remain till reconstitution


      Committee on Welfare of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes

      30 (Lok Sabha - 20, Rajya Sabha - 10)

      One year

      Green Hydrogen : A Source of Renewable Energy

      4.  Ad hoc Committees

      Sr. No.

      Name of the Committee 

      No. of Members



      Railway Convention Committee

      18 (Lok Sabha - 12, Rajya Sabha - 6)

      for the duration of one Lok Sabha


      Committee related to providing computers to Members of Parliament and officers of Lok Sabha Secretariat


      for the duration of one Lok Sabha


      Member of Parliament Local Area Development Planning Committee


      One year


      Ethics Committee


      Not fixed, will remain till reconstitution


      Committee on Food Management in Parliament House Complex

      15 (Lok Sabha - 10, Rajya Sabha - 5)

      One Year


      Committee for installation of statues/photographs of national leaders and parliamentarians in the Parliament House complex

      10 ( Lok Sabha - 7 , Rajya Sabha - 3 )

      for the duration of  One Lok Sabha



      Committee on Security in Parliament House Complex

      10 ( Lok Sabha - 7 , Rajya Sabha - 3 )

      One year


      Committee to investigate the constitutional and legal position related to the office of profit


      till the submission of the report



      Committee to investigate the misconduct of members of the Lok Sabha


      Not fixed

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