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Plateau - Relief of the Crust


The relief of the secondary order extends over 1/3 of the earth's surface. Plateau is that slope, one of which is higher than the surrounding areas and has a steep slope. Its peak or upper part is flat or flattened. Its height has to be more flat than its height in its determination.

Classification of Plateau

  • According to Manufacturing Process
  • According to Shape
  • According to Erosion Cycle
  • According to Climate
  • According to Surface Area
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Proper Way to Hoist The National Flag and Its Misuse

A. According to Manufacturing Process

According to the formation of plateaus, they have been divided into two parts.

  1. Due to the Inherent Power
  2. Due to the Exogenous Force

1. Due to the Inherent Power

Plateaus formed as a result of endogenous forces such as earthquakes, volcanoes etc. are kept under it. The formation of plate deformation plateaus mainly comes under this.

Some Important ShapesFormed as a Result of Weathering and Erosion

Main Forms of Plate Fault Plates

a) Intermontane Plateaus – Plateaus surrounded by mountains from all sides are kept in this category. These are the most complex and highest and most detailed. Example – Plateau of Tibet (highest in the world – 5000 m.), Plateau of Mexico and Gobi etc.

b) Continental Plateaus – It is quite extensive and very ancient. They are located away from the mountainous parts and are mostly surrounded by seas or islands from all sides. These are also called shields. The reason for their origin is due to the deposition of lava or as a result of rising above the surface due to endogenic force. Example – Laurasia, Siberia, China, Plateau of Southern India etc.

c) Piedmont Plateau - in the form of long high land adjacent to the mountains, extending to the plains or seas. Example – Patagonia Plateau of South America, Piedmont Plateau of North America.

d) Volcano or Lava – Plateau formed by the deposit of lava that came out as a result of fissure eruption. Example – Deccan region of India, Plateau of Columbia of America.

Fold - Endogenous Force 

2. Due to Exogenous Force

Those formed as a result of exogenous forces such as weathering and erosion come under this category. It has been divided into several parts.

a) Glaciated – Plateaus formed by glaciers are kept in this category. Like – plateau of Garhwal, Greenland, Antarctica.

b) Made by Water – are made by the water currents of river or oceans. Like – Ranchi, Vindhyan, Cherrapunji, Plateau part of Mysore, Shan region of Myanmar.

c) Made by Wind – are made by air. Like – Potawar of Pakistan and Plateau part of Loess of China.

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B. According to Shape

a) Dome-shaped - Dome-shaped plateaus are formed as a result of the action of folding on the earth's crust. Like – Chhota Nagpur Plateau in India.

b) Dissected – like – the plateau part of peninsular India.

c) Steppe – Vindhyan and plateau parts of Kaimur.

d) Flat – Plateau part of Tibet.

e) Rejuvenated – If a plateau area after degradation attains more height due to uplift again, then this type of plateau is formed. Like – Pat Plateau of Ranchi.

C. According to Erosion Cycle

a) Young – Plateau region of Idaho (USA).

b) Plant – Plateau part of Appalachian.

c) Dilapidated - The presence of weathered mesa is a sign of weathered plateau. The finding of the mesa indicates that the plateau part is very ancient and it is getting or has done its dilapidation. Like – Plateau area of Ranchi.

D. According to Climate

a) Dry – Like – Plateau parts of Arabia, Potavar.

b) Humid – Like – Plateau part of Assam, Meghalaya.

c) Ice Covered – Greenland, plateau part of Antarctica.

E. According to Surface Area

a) Anomalous – like – Appalachian plateau region.

b) Tableland – like – Mahabaleshwar and Panchgani plateau.

Exogenous Forces - Weathering andErosion 


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