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Benefits of Blood Donation

Blood Donation

Blood donation is also called great donation. The life of three people can be saved by donating blood from one person. Apart from donating blood, there is no other source of its receipt. Blood is made in our body. Blood is made in the bone marrow of the leg bones. Every year 14 June is celebrated as Blood Donor Day with the aim of saving the lives of many people due to various reasons. Karl Landsteiner, the scientist who discovered the blood group, was born on June 14, so it was decided to celebrate blood donor day by dedicating this day to him.It was started collectively in 2004 by the World Health Organization, the International Red Cross Federation and the Red Crescent Society. In the conclusion of the research work, it was found that donating blood not only benefits the recipient, but the person donating blood also gets many health benefits. Donating blood gives physical benefits as well as mental and emotional benefits. The person whose blood group is O negative is considered as a universal blood donor. Blood of this class can be given to any person.

blood donation - street studies

Benefits of Blood Donation

By donating blood, where you can save the precious life of a person, then you can also get many types of health benefits through it. According to a report by Mental Health Foundation and other research institutes, we will understand the benefits of blood donation under the following points –

  1. Free health check up through blood donation.
  2. Are there physical benefits of donating blood?
  3. Is blood donation effective in getting rid of stress, negative emotions?
  4. Does donating blood develop a sense of belonging?
  5. Does it ease the depression of loneliness?
  6. Is blood donation beneficial in the problem of heart attack, weight and obesity?
  7. Does donating blood reduce the risk of cancer?

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1. Free Health Check Up Through Blood Donation

Many types of health check ups are done for free before donating blood. In this, a trained nursing staff checks the donor’s heartbeat, blood pressure, body temperature, hemoglobin level and other tests. Apart from this, tests related to some diseases are also done. Such as – Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C, HIV, Cancer etc.

2. Are There Physical Benefits of Donating Blood?

After donating blood, your body starts to meet the shortage of donated blood. In the meantime, you can adopt measures to keep yourself fit due to healthy diet and regular exercise etc. It was found in research that it is beneficial in blood pressure, heart attack etc.

3. Is Blood Donation Effective in Getting Rid of Stress, Negative Emotions?

According to the Mental Health Foundation, donating blood is an effective way to get rid of stress and negativity, but do so only after consulting or consulting your doctor. After donating blood, new red blood cells develop in the body, due to which new blood cells are supplied to the brain. It provides new energy to the brain and tries to control enzymes and hormones.

4. Does Donating Blood Develop a Sense of Belonging?

By donating blood, a feeling of happiness arises in the person. Through this we help many needy people, due to which a sense of kindness arises in us. This kindness gives us a sense of belonging.

5. Does It Ease The Depression of Loneliness?

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After the blood is out of the body through blood donation, new red blood cells are formed in the body, which spread a new energy in the body. In the meantime, depression can be reduced by doing many types of exercise and meditation or meditation. Success helps a person to get out of depression.

6. Is Blood Donation Beneficial in the Problem of Heart Attack, Weight Loss and Obesity?

The high amount of iron present in the blood increases the risk of heart attack. By donating blood, the amount of excess iron present in the blood is removed from the body, which reduces the risk of heart attack. But according to a report, regular blood donation changes the level of cholesterol, which increases the risk of heart disease. By donating it, the extra calories present are burnt. But it should not be taken as a way to lose weight. Therefore, before donating blood, please consult your doctor.

7. Does Donating Blood Reduce the Risk of Cancer?

By donating blood regularly, there is no excess of iron in the body, which protects us from some types of cancer.

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