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Reproduction in Organisms - Vegetative Reproduction - Artificial Vegetative Reproduction and Micro-Propagation

Artificial Vegetative Reproduction

The process of Artificial Vegetative Reproduction is mainly done by humans. In gene plants, there is difficulty in seed formation or seed germination or seeds are not formed in them, this method is adopted in those plants. This action is done in many ways. Chemical plant hormones are also used in this as required.

Artificial Vegetative Reproduction and Micro-Propagation

Divergence From Mendelism or Neomendelism

Artificial vegetative reproduction are of the following types –

  • Cutting 
    • Soft Wood Cutting
    • Hard Wood Cutting
  • Layering
    • Mound Layering Or Branch Layering
    • Tip Layering
    • Serpentine Layering
    • Truth Layering
    • Gooteeing Or Air Layering
  • Grafting
    • Whip or Tongue Grafting
    • Crown Grafting
    • Wedge Grafting
    • Bud Grafting
    • Inbranching

( A ) Cutting 

In this, 20-30 cm long pieces of mature stem or branches of the plant are cut, these are called cuttings. Now this pen is buried half obliquely in the ground, but keep in mind that this pen should have apical buds and some leaves. After a few days, leaves emerge from the axillary buds of its aerial parts, while roots emerge from the axillary buds of the nodes located in the underground parts. Using IAA (indole acetic acid) or other plant hormones in the cuttings, the roots start coming out soon. This activity is mainly done easily in sugarcane, rose, hibiscus, grapes, etc.

The roots of some plants are also used for grafting. Thus they are called root cuttings. Like – in lemon, tamarind etc.

  • Soft Wood Cutting
  • Hard Wood Cutting

( i ) Soft Wood Cutting

If a green branch with new and apical bud is selected for making pen, then it is called soft wood cutting.

( ii ) Hard Wood Cutting

If a branch with old and apical bud is selected for making pen, then it is called hard wood cutting.

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( B ) Layering

This action is adopted in those plants, in which the process of grafting is not successful. In the process of pressure grafting, the branches adjacent to the soil are bent down, slightly peeled and buried in the soil. After some time, after the roots emerge from it, it is cut and separated from the main plant.

This action is also done by many methods –

  • Mound Layering Or Branch Layering
  • Tip Layering
  • Serpentine Layering
  • Truth Layering
  • Gooteeing Or Air Layering

( i ) Mound Layering Or Branch Layering

In this process, by bending the lower branch of the stem, some part of it is buried in the soil and the top is kept out of the soil. The place where the stem is pressed, that place is kept moist. After some time adventitus root comes out from this buried part. A new plant is formed when it is separated from the main plant. Like – in grapes, raspberries, strawberries etc.

( ii ) Tip Layering

In this process, the top of the stem of the plant is bent and buried in the soil. This is called top pressure pen. After some time the roots come out of it.

( iii ) Serpentine Layering

In this action, the stem near the ground of the plant is pressed horizontally in the soil in such a way that it is visible above the soil at certain distance intervals. Roots will come out from the buried part after some time while new branches will come out from the open part. A new plant is obtained when separated from the main plant.

( iv ) Truth Layering

In this, the main stem of the main plant or the basal stem is bent and buried in the soil, but its top part remains above the soil. After some time a new plant is formed from the buried part.

( v ) Gooteeing Or Air Layering

In this process, after peeling the hard branch of the plant lightly, wrapping wet soil or moss or cotton around it, cover it with polythene and tie it. To keep this soil moist, water is dropped drop by drop on this branch, so that the soil remains wet and moist. After some time the roots will come out of it. Now on separating it from the main plant a new plant is obtained. Plant hormones are also sprayed on it as per requirement.

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( C ) Grafting

In this method, the scion or scion of a good breed plant is planted on the scion or stem or stock of another normal plant. Now join these two cut parts and tie them well with twine. After that a paste of moist soil or wax is applied on it. After some time these two parts join together. This is how a plant develops. This method is mainly used in grape, guava, pear, mango and apple plants.

In this process, the cut stem along with the root is called stock, while the other stem which is planted from above is called scion. Scion should be of desired plant and stock should be disease resistant and good in mineral salts. In this, it is kept in mind that the cambium of the stock and the scion should be in direct contact with each other.

This action is also done in many ways –

  • Whip or Tongue Grafting
  • Crown Grafting
  • Wedge Grafting
  • Bud Grafting
  • Inbranching

( i ) Whip or Tongue Grafting

In this, the diameter of the stock and scion is about 1-1.5 cm. Now a 5-8 cm long cut is made in the stock in such a way that the scion fits completely in it. The buds are left on the scion, while all the buds are removed from the stock. Now tie them well. After some time they join together.

( ii ) Crown Grafting

In this the diameter of the stem is more than the space. In this, the lower part of the seat is pointed and long, which is tied tightly with twine by putting it in the groove of the stock. In this action, many places can be applied on one stock.

( iii ) Wedge Grafting

In this action, a V-shaped cut is made on the stock, while a wedge-shaped or inverted V-shaped or furrow-shaped cut is made at the place. Now keep the place on the stock and tie it tightly.

( iv ) Bud Grafting

In this action, a T-shaped cut is made in the bark of the stem and the spot which is just a bud is tied tightly by trapping it in the stem. For some time a new plant is formed as a result of germination in the bud.

( v ) Inbranching

It is a different type of method of vegetative reproduction. In this, any two plants are taken along with their roots. Now peel the branches of both these plants a little and tie them together. In this way, after some time new plants are formed from them.

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Significance of Vegetative Reproduction

  • The genetic purity of the plant is maintained by vegetative reproduction.
  • Vegetative reproduction is important for those plants in which seeds are not formed or are not capable of seed reproduction. Like – in banana, grapes, sugarcane etc.
  • In plants produced by vegetative reproduction, flowering occurs earlier than in plants produced by seeds.
  • In vegetative reproduction, plants do not have to produce specific structures.
  • Plants produced by vegetative reproduction are disease free.

Loss From Vegetative Reproduction

  • A new variety of plant cannot be prepared by this.
  • There is no possibility of biological evolution due to lack of variation in progeny plants.
  • Species specific diseases are easily transmitted in the introduced species.


Micro-propagation is the modern method of vegetative reproduction. In this method, by taking a little tissue of the main plant, it is cultured in a proper culture medium by Tissue & Cell Culture Technique. After some time, it starts growing by absorbing nutrients, due to which bunches of cells start forming, which is called Callus. As per need, take a small piece of callus and keep it in another medium and culture it and when a new plant is formed, it is planted in the soil. New plants are obtained by this method in Chrysanthemum, Mushroom, Satavara and Orchids.

Importance of Micro-propagation

  • In this process, the increase in intensity happens.
  • Plants produced by this method are disease free.
  • This method has proved to be very effective in those plants which do not produce seeds or the seeds are not fertile. Like – in plants like banana, grapes, rose etc.


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