Indian Martial Art
The literal meaning of 'martial art' is - 'art related to waging war'. As we all know, India is a country of traditions and cultures. Indian martial arts or martial arts are also one of the many variations of India. In ancient times, these martial arts played an important role in defeating the opposing side and establishing their supremacy over the dynasties and primitive tribes, but in the present context, if we look at these martial arts, they are used generally in Physical health benefits, for self-defense, for religious rites and in the film world. These martial arts are mainly related to dance, yoga and performance arts.
Different Types of Indian Martial Arts
Different types of martial arts are prevalent in different states and regions of India, some of which we will see in this article. we have seen some martial arts in previous article. In this session we will see some more martial arts. you can click the links to see the art of war forms -
- Kalaripayattu : Kerala
- Thang Ta Or Huyen Lalong : Manipur
- Sarit Sarak : Manipur
- Cheibi Gad Ga : Manipur
- Thoda : Himachal Pradesh
- Skay : Kashmir
- Silambam : Tamil Nadu
- Mardani Khel : Maharashtra
- Inbui Wrestling : Mizoram
- Fist fight : Varanasi, U.P.
- Gatka or Shastar Vidya : Punjab
- Stick : Punjab and West Bengal
- Paika Arena : Orissa
- Pari Khanda – Bihar
- Wrestling
- Malla War : Tamil Nadu
- Bandesh
- Kuttu Varisai : Karnataka
- Kathi Samu : Andhra Pradesh
- Gusthi (Boxing) : Tamil Nadu
- Varma Kalai : Tamil Nadu
- Dao Khela : West Bengal
- Phala Khela : West Bengal
Skay : Kashmir
- Initially, this art was mainly used by Kashmiris to kill wild animals for their protection from wild animals and for food, but later it was used by the kings here for protection from wild animals and for their protection from enemies in addition to food. also started being done.
- Technique and Art of War - The main tools of this martial art are a single-edge curved sword and shield.
- At present, this sword, which is called Tora or Tura, is made of synthetic fiber and covered with leather instead of metal, and the shield, which is called Bargula, is also made of synthetic fiber and covered with leather.
- Two methods are prevalent in the skay – one armed technique and the other unarmed technique.
- Sword and shield are used in armed techniques, while unarmed techniques include kicks, punches, kicks and arcs.
- Skay's official uniforms are blue. Sometimes a cross-front jacket with red or yellow piping, combined with trousers and a belt around the waist, is also used.
Silambam : Tamil Nadu
- It is a modern and scientific martial art practiced in Tamil Nadu, which is closely related to Kalaripayattu of Kerala.
- This martial art is used for both mock fighting and self-defense.
- Silambam is a Tamil word made up of Silam and Mabam. The meaning of Silam is – Hills and Mambam means Bamboo.
- Origin - According to mythology, it was created by Lord Murugan and Sage Agastya.
- It originated in the Dravida Nadu region, where there were many gymnasiums called Silambaka-koodam, one of the 64-arts patronized by the Chola, Pandya and Chera rulers.
- Equipment – Different types of sticks are used in this martial art, the details of which are as follows –
- First type – In this a burning ball of cloth is tied to one end of a long stick. This is called ‘Torch Silambam’.
- Second type – In this the sticks produce a melodious rustling sound.
- Third type – In this, an elastic-less stick produces the sound of crackling.
- Fourth type – In this the sticks are very small but very powerful.
- Weapons used – The names of the scriptures used in this art are as follows –
- Kattari – A type of flexible bow, whose length is up to 1.68 meters.
- Silambam – derived from a bamboo tree called teak or rose chestnut. To make it soft, pliable, it is kept immersed in water for many days and metal rings are offered.
- Maru – A deadly deadly weapon made of deer antlers.
- Kol – A cloth or a metal ball tied to the end of a three-foot rope is rotated by setting it on fire.
- Savuku – a whip made of leather, which is used for self-defense.
- Vaal – A curved flexible metal sword.
- Katti – A type of knife whose length is up to 1 – 1.5 feet.
- Kattiri - This is a forked deadly dagger, whose handle is English H-shaped.
- Sedi Kuchi – Bamboo stick which is used as a pair of two sticks. They are played together.
- Technique and Art of War – Includes swift footwork, two-handed baton drills, etc. to develop strength, velocity, and accuracy at various levels of the body, while the use of slashing, sarcasm, thrusting, and swinging is achieved to achieve proficiency. are done.
- In this, the player uses techniques such as snake attack, monkey attack or eagle attack to avoid simultaneous attacks by opposing hordes or stones thrown by them.
- To win the competition, the participant has to dislodge the opponent with his stick or the touches on the other participant's body are counted or the skill shown in guarding an object is counted or the participant hits the opponent's forehead. happens.
- Clothing – In this the participants wear different colored nappies, turbans, sleeveless vests, canvas shoes and chest protectors.
Mardani Khel : Maharashtra
- It is a weapon based martial art, which was due to the geographical conditions (mountains, hills and caves) of Maharashtra.
- Origin – This martial art developed in the 15th – 16th century with the emergence of the Marathas in the Kolhapur region of Maharashtra. Kolhapur used to be the focal point of Maratha rule. Skilled trainers in this area used to prepare skilled youth for war.
- In the hilly and forested areas of Kolhapur, these educational centers were called Taliyas.
- After the ban on the use of weapons by the British, to keep this martial art alive, this martial art had to be transformed into a manly sport.
- Technique and Art of War – This includes swift movements in sword based techniques.
- Other weapons include lathi-kathi (6 feet long stick), sword-shield, dandpatta, double strap sword, baghnakh, bichwa etc.
- Attire – The participants wear white saffron costumes while practicing.
Inbui Wrestling : Mizoram
- Inbui wrestling was recognized as a sport when the people of Mizoram migrated from Burma to the hills of Lusai hills.
- Origin – Inbui wrestling originated in 1970 in Dantland village of Mizoram.
- Technique and Art of War – This game is played in a circular circle.
- In this, keeping feet outside the circular circle, kicking and kneeling are prohibited.
- Participants can hold onto a belt worn around their waist.
- To win the participant has to lift the leg of the other opponent.
Fist fight : Varanasi, U.P.
- It is an unarmed martial arts style, which was very popular in the 1960s.
- Due to the betting in this game, it was banned by the government.
- Fist fighting is a combination of all the three aspects physical, mental and spiritual.
- Technique and Art of War – This includes kicks, punches, knee and elbow strikes similar to the South Asian boxing style.
- The battles taking place in this are technically divided into four parts on the basis of the names of Hindu Gods and Goddesses, which are as follows –
- Jamvanti technique – In this, the opponent is forced to surrender by entangling and holding him.
- Bhimseni Technique – This is purely a strength-based technique, in which the opponent is defeated on the basis of strength.
- Hanumanti Technique – In this the opponent is defeated on the technique of fighting skills.
- Jarasandhi Technique – This technique focuses on breaking the organs and organ system of the opponent.
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