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Mountains and It's Types


Mountain is an elevated portion of Earth's crust which has steep sides that shows significant exposed bedrock. It is different from plateau. Mountains are higher than hills with a limited summit area. They are formed by the action of Tectonic force , erosion and volcanic action.

Mountain building is a gradual process and this process of mountain building continues for many ages. On this basis, the mountains have been divided into many parts. In this article, we will learn about Mountains and It's types.

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Types Of Mountain

Mountains have been classified into several parts on the basis of their age, formation process etc. Read the classification given below carefully.

  1. On the Basis of Age (By Age)
    • Precambrian
    • Caledonian
    • Hercynian
    • Alpine or Tertiary
  2. Depending on the Method of Manufacture
    • Folded Mountains
    • Fault Mountains
    • Volcanic Mountains
    • Residual Mountain
Rock And It's Types

1. On the basis of Age (By Age)

  • Precambrian
  • Caledonian
  • Hercynian
  • Alpine or Tertiary

a. Precambrian

These types of mountains are more than 500 million years old. They are formed from highly metamorphic rocks and they have been eroded so much that their mountain form has been destroyed. Example – Laurasian Mountains of North America, Fenno in Europe – Mountains of Scandinavia.

b. Caledonian

They were formed in the Silurian and Devonian Periods. Example – Scotland, Scandinavia in Europe, Aravalli, Satpura, Mahadev etc. in India.

c. Hercynian

They were formed in the Permian and Permocarboniferous Periods. Example – Appalachian mountainous part of North America, Vasges of Europe, Black Forest etc.

d. Alpine or Tertiary

The mountains formed in the Tertiary period are the highest and latest Folded Mountains of the world. Example – Himalaya, Arakan Yoma, Balkan, Caucasus, Atlas of Africa.

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2. Depending on the Method of Manufacture

  • Folded Mountains
  • Fault Mountains
  • Volcanic Mountains
  • Residual Mountain

a. Folded Mountains

Shallow, long, narrow sea is called landmass. They are formed due to the lateral compression force in the sedimentary rocks. Their shape is like an arc and fossils of sea creatures are found in them. They are mainly composed of flaky rocks, but large granite intrusions are found along the length of these mountains. Example – Himalayas, Arakan Yoma, Hindukush, Karakoram etc.

b. Fault Mountains

When a land gets uplifted with the help of two fault planes, then Fault Mountains are formed. Example – Nilgiri, Black Forest etc.

c. Volcanic Mountains

A mountain formed by the solidification of materials released as a result of volcanic activity. Example – Aconcagua of Chile, Kilimanjaro of Africa, Aleutian Islands, Hawaiian Islands etc.

d. Residual Mountain

They are formed as a result of the erosion of plains, mountains and plateaus. Example – Aravalli, Satpura, Ural etc.

Ashoka's Dhamma : Subjects Mentionedin Pillar Edicts

Stages of Mountain Formation

  1. Stage of Deposition in a Geomorphology
  2. Start of mountain building
  3. Stage of Development

1. Stage of Deposition in a Geomorphology

In this, the origin of land subsidence, sediment deposition and bottom sinking begin.

2. Start of Mountain Building

After the first stage, there is pressure on the ground elevation, as a result of which mountain formation begins.

3. Stage of Development

The development of mountains is very gradual. This goes on for many ages, until it attains its equilibrium.

Some Important Shapes Formed as a Result of Weathering and Erosion 


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