Household Pests
There are many types of domestic pests or household Pests, out of which generally you must have heard the name of termite, bedbug, cockroach, fly and ant etc. These household Pests are normal to see, but they are quite harmful. They not only destroy valuable items in your home. But also create a crisis on your health. You must have seen the first termite, but have you ever seen a termite colony? have read about their social behavior. Second, bedbugs are small insects that drink blood from our skin. Sometimes infection can also occur due to their bite. The third is the cockroach, which is found in almost all homes. It lives in dark places and comes out when it becomes quiet at night. There are many of us who get scared when they see cockroaches. You must have often seen this in a movie or in your neighborhood. It is the carrier of many diseases and bacterias .
These insects only cause harm to us, we do not get benefit. Therefore, as far as possible, they should be kept away from their home and neighborhood. Here are some tips to prevent domestic pests or household Pests, they may work for you.
Termites are such domestic pests or household Pests that damage the valuable furniture of your house – beds, sofas, wooden chairs etc. They survive by feeding on cellulose and lignin found in the cell wall of plants, due to which they are attracted to wood and dry trees. They destroy the wooden items of your house overnight. These insects are awake 24 hours a day. These are light yellow or brown insects, which live in colonies. Their colonies can contain from thousands to millions of termites. They are a social insect, that is, there are members of different classes inside them, just like there are in the bee hive. Its scientific name is Isoptera. In their colony there are military insects, worker insects, nymphs and reproductive members of both sexes. The worker insects build the bambi or nest. Large colonies of Bambi termites are called. Water harvesting is also done in their colonies. Therefore, the presence of Bambi at some place indicates that clean water is present here. They are mainly found in tropical and sub-tropical regions.
Termites Prevention Measures
- Sunlight – Termites run away from sunlight or extreme heat. Therefore, if there are termites in furniture and books, then keep them in sunlight.
- Bitter things – Termites run away from the smell of bitter things. For this we can use bitter gourd or neem juice.
- Anti-Termite Insecticide – You can use the termite killing medicine from the agricultural center located in the market. You should spray this medicine at an interval of every 2 – 4 days. You will see that the termites will run away from your house in a few months. But keep one thing in mind, you do not have to remove the termite hive immediately, leave it like this and keep spraying the medicine on it.
- Salt – Salt kills termites. Therefore, wherever termites are found, you can sprinkle salt on it.
- Orange oil – Where termites are found, sprinkling orange oil on the place destroys the termites.
- Red Chilli – Due to the pungency found in red chili, termites run away from it.
- Boric Acid – Spraying of boric acid where termites are found is beneficial.
- Asafoetida – Termites are also dispelled by the smell of asafetida, because its smell is strong.
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Bedbugs are a parasitic insect that survives by drinking blood. Its scientific name is Cmax lactularius. They are red-brown in color, about 5 ml in size. Its common species survive by drinking human blood. They live mainly in beds in houses. Red rashes appear on the body on their bite. Their bites are very itchy and sometimes many diseases also occur. These are mainly caused by dirt. If beds are not cleaned or exposed to sunlight for a long time, the risk of them growing increases. A female bed bug lays 200 – 400 eggs in her entire life time.
Measures to Prevent Bedbugs
- Vacuum Cleaner – Since they hide in the crevices of furniture, a vacuum cleaner will prove to be helpful in getting them out.
- Treatment with hot material – Bedbugs are not able to tolerate extremely hot temperatures, so washing the bed with hot water will destroy the bedbugs and their eggs.
- Treatment with cold substances – They are not able to tolerate even very cold temperatures, so bedbugs get destroyed if the bed or furniture is treated with cold substances.
- Mint – Putting mint leaves on the place where the bedbugs have made their home destroys the bedbugs in a few days. Many types of insects are destroyed by the smell of mint.
- Rubbing alcohol – Fill 90% rubbing alcohol in a spray bottle and spray it daily. Bedbugs will be gone from the root in a few days. Alcohol destroys bedbug cells.
- Neem oil – Take two tablespoons of neem oil, one cup of water and half a teaspoon of detergent powder. Mix this mixture well and sprinkle it daily. Neem has antibacterial properties. Bedbugs will be gone in a few days.
- Lavender oil – Fill a spray bottle with water and add 3-4 drops of lavender oil to it. Lavender oil inhibits the respiration of bedbugs.
- Tree-tree oil – Fill a spray bottle with water and add two teaspoons of tree-tree oil to it. After spraying for a few days, the bed bugs will go away.
- Mixture of red chili, ginger, ajwain oil – Take red chili, ginger juice and celery oil in a cup of water and sieve them. After this, fill a spray bottle with water and mix it in it. Spray it at an interval of three to four days. You will see the difference in a few days.
This is a commonly found household Pests or domestic insect in all homes. Cockroach is an omnivorous, nocturnal animal, which takes it out of the house at night. It is found in dark and hot places like kitchen, pipe, godown, store room and grain warehouse. It is a red-brown insect, on whose head a pair of combined eyes and two horns are found. Male cockroach is smaller than female cockroach. There are about 4600 species of it, of which only 500 have been seen near human settlements. Its scientific name is Periplaneta. The life span of cockroach is divided into three stages – egg, nymph and adult. A female cockroach lays 10-40 eggs at a time and on average she lays 30 eggs during her lifetime.
Diseases Spread By Cockroaches
- Diarrhea – Cockroaches contaminate the food, which causes diarrhea when eaten. Cockroaches transmit bacteria to food.
- Cholera – Cholera is an infectious disease, the bacteria of which reach food and water through cockroach. This bacterium does not make that person sick, but affects the person who came in contact with that person’s feces.
- Leprosy – This is a skin disease, which is spread by Mycobacterium leprae.
- Cough – Cough is a contagious disease. But sometimes it also points to other infections. For example – fever, headache, vomiting, chills etc.
- Polio – Food contaminated by cockroaches can also cause polio bacteria – poliomyelitis, which spreads the disease through contaminated food and water.
Protection From Cockroaches
- Mixture of Sugar and Baking Soda Powder – Sugar attracts cockroaches to it and baking soda powder kills them slowly.
- Boric powder – Sprinkle boric powder in places where cockroaches are often seen, or live. It should be used very carefully.
- Bay leaves – Cockroaches run away from the smell of bay leaves. It does not kill them, but drives them away from approaching.
- Mixture of black pepper, garlic and onion – Grind one onion, some garlic pods and black pepper and mix it. Now filter it and keep it. Wherever the cockroach is seen, sprinkle it on that place.
- Lemon – Cockroaches run away from the smell of lemon. Cockroaches run away after spraying the whole house by mixing lemon in a bucket of water.
- Mint – Cockroaches also run away from the smell of mint.
- Ammonia – Mixing ammonia in water, they run away even after mopping.
- Coffee – Coffee attracts cockroaches to them. For this, fill half the water in a jar and mix coffee powder in it. Cockroaches will fall into that jar and get trapped.
- Cloves – Cockroaches also run away from the smell of cloves.
The presence of domestic pests or household Pests such as termites, bedbugs, cockroaches, flies and ants, termites, cockroaches and bedbugs around the house can be such a headache. So getting rid of these insects is a priority for the homeowner. Therefore, if they are present, try to remove them or get treatment after consulting a specialist.
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