Vegetative Reproduction
Vegetative reproduction or vegetative propagation is also a common method of asexual reproduction found in plants. “Vegetative reproduction is the process in which a bud grows from the parent plant, which gives rise to a new plant by development. This new plant separates from the parent plant and forms a new plant."
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Bud formation is essential in vegetative reproduction, without bud vegetative reproduction is not possible. Buds are formed in the plant in the shoot or stem or in the leaves. Therefore, all the organs that are helpful for vegetative reproduction are formed in one way or the other by the micro or long parts of the plant shoot itself. Bulbs, corms, rhizomes, tubers and stolons are some of the structures that play an important role in vegetative reproduction.
Bulbs, corms, rhizomes, tubers etc. are called perennating organs.
Types of Vegetative Reproduction
There are two types of vegetative reproduction or vegetative propagation –
- Natural Vegetative Reproduction
- By Underground Stems
- Bulb
- Corm
- Rhizome
- Tuber
- By Subaerial Stems
- Runner
- Suckers
- Stolon
- Offset
- By Bulbils
- By Leaves
- Artificial Vegetative Reproduction
1 . Natural Vegetative Reproduction
Through Natural Vegetative Reproduction, the bud located in the shoot of the plants grows automatically and gives birth to new plants. Natural Vegetative Reproduction is also accomplished by many different methods.
- By Underground Stems
- Bulb
- Corm
- Rhizome
- Tuber
- By Subaerial Stems
- Runner
- Suckers
- Stolon
- Offset
- By Bulbils
- By Leaves
( A ) By Underground Stems
The underground parts of the stem of many perennial plants help in vegetative reproduction by storing food. These are of the following types –
- Bulb
- Corm
- Rhizome
- Tuber
( i ) Bulb
The bulb is formed with the help of a very dense saucer-like stem and fleshy scales that store food substances. In this, the entire bulb is surrounded by scaly leaves, which provide food to the shoot. In each bulb, apart from the anterior bud, one or more axillary buds are found. Adventitious roots are often found in sweet potatoes. The formation of sweet potato is due to the accumulation of food substances in the underground stems at the end of the growth period. For example – onion, garlic, tulip etc. are found in sweet potato.
( ii ) Corm
Cubeb is also similar to sweet potato, but fleshy scaly leaves are not found in it. The corm is formed due to the swelling of the basal part of the shoot, which is surrounded by scales. These scales are just the remains of the previous year's leaves. Adventitious root is also found in tubers. There are one or more buds in the tuber, which help in vegetative reproduction. In this way many plants can be obtained from one tuber. Like – colocasia, crocus etc.
( iii ) Rhizome
The stem growing horizontally inside the ground is called Rhizome. Leaves, buds and adventitious roots are found in the rhizome. The internodes and nodes are clearly visible in the rhizome. The axillary buds are found in the cells of the scales present at the nodes. Under favorable conditions, the apical and apical buds develop and form new plants. Like – ginger (zinger), turmeric (turmeric), fern etc.
( iv ) Tuber
This is also a modification of the underground stem. In this, the top part of the root of the plant swells up due to accumulation of sap and forms a tuber. In the pits present in this tuber, there are axillary buds (which we also call eyes), which give birth to new plants. These tubers live only for one year. Like – Potato.
Armed Forces Special Power Act- 1958 or AFSPA( B ) By Subaerial Stems
As the name suggests, these plants are located creeping on the upper layer of the soil or located just below the soil. Festivals and festivals are found in these. Aerial branches and adventitious roots emerge from the nodes. New plants are formed when the leaves are broken.
These are of the following types –
- Runner
- Suckers
- Stolon
- Offset
( i ) Runner
They spread by crawling on the surface of the soil. Adventitious roots emerge from their nodes. New plants are formed by breaking of the leaves. Like – Cynodon, sour herb (Oxalis) etc.
( ii ) Suckers
The branches coming out of the underground part of the stem grow obliquely and come out of the ground and these are leafy shoots which separate to form new plants. Like – Mint (Mentha), Chrysanthemum etc.
( iii ) Stolon
They develop from the underground part of the stem. Adventitious roots and aerial shoots develop from the nodes of the stem. After breaking through the leaves, it forms a new plant. Like – in Arvi, Straweri etc.
( iv ) Offset
They grow parallel to the ground. Their festivals are small and fat. The surface of these internodes are covered with leaves, while adventitious roots emerge from their underside. After breaking off from the main stem, they form new plants. Like – water hyacinth, pistia etc.
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( C ) By Bulbils
In many plants, buds store food to form leaf-processes, which separate from the main plant under favorable conditions and form a new plant. Like – in sour – herb, yam, aloe – veera, onion etc.
( D ) By Leaves
The leaves of some plants become fleshy by storing food. Leaf buds develop on the top or sides of these leaves, which give rise to new plants under favorable conditions. The position of leaf buds varies on the leaves. For example, in Begonia the leaf buds are located on the leaf surface and petiole, while in Ajuba, the leaf buds are located on the edges of the leaf.
Heredity and Variations
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