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Directive Principles : Article 41 - 51

Directive Principles of State Policy : Article 36 - 51

Directive principles of state policy is described under Part 4 of the Indian constitution ( Article 36 - 51). These are known as the duties of the State. In previous Session related to directive principles of State Policy, we have discussed the Articles from 36 - 40. Now in this session , we are going to discuss the remaining articles from 41 - 51.

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Article – 41 : Right to Work, Education And Public Assistance in Certain Cases

To give effect to the right to work, education and public assistance in case of old age, sickness and any other disability within the economic capacity of the State.

The National Employment Guarantee Scheme (NREGA) implemented since 2005, which was renamed as Mahatma Gandhi National Employment Guarantee Scheme (MNREGA) on October 2, 2009, was implemented under this.

Article – 42 : Provision of Work Equality And Humane Conditions of Work And Maternity Assistance)

The state shall provide just and humane conditions of work to the workers. Along with this, proper assistance will be provided to women for delivery. Ambulance and other facilities provided by the state and center for delivery are examples of this.

Article – 43 : Living Wages etc. For Workers

The state shall endeavor to secure minimum wages, decent living conditions and full enjoyment of leisure and social and cultural opportunities for all types of workers by any institution or economic organization.

Article – 43A  : Role of Workers in The Management of Industries

The state will ensure the participation of workers in the management of industries. It was added by the 42nd Constitutional Amendment Act 1976.

Article – 43B : Promotion of Cooperative Societies

The state will promote voluntary formation, autonomous functioning, democratic control or professional management of cooperatives. It was established by the 97th Constitutional Amendment Act 2011.

Article – 44 : Uniform Civil Code ( UCC ) For Citizens

Will try to get a uniform civil code for all citizens in the entire territory of India.

Article – 45 : Provision For Care And Education of Children Below 6 Years of Age

Prior to 2002, this article had provision for the care of children below the age of 14 years, which was changed by the 86th Constitutional Amendment in 2002 and was added to Article 21A, whereas in Article 45, care of children below the age of 6 years was given. And education was arranged.

Article – 46 : Promotion of Education And Economic Interests of Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes and Other Weaker Sections

Article – 47 : Duty of The State to Raise The Nutritional Level And Standard of Living And to Improve Public Health

The State shall regard the raising of the level of nutrition and the standard of living and the improvement of public health as its primary duty. Will prohibit the use of intoxicating beverages and harmful drugs other than medicinal use.

Article – 48 : Organization of Agriculture and Animal Husbandry

The state will develop modern and scientific systems of agriculture and animal husbandry. Will try to improve the breeds of cows and other milch animals. Will prohibit cow slaughter.

Article – 48A : Protection and Promotion of Environment And Protection of Forest and Wild Life

It was added by the 42nd Constitutional Amendment Act 1976. According to this, the state will try to protect forests and wildlife and will take necessary steps.

Article – 49 : Protection of Monuments, Places And Objects of National Importance

It shall be the obligation of the State to protect the site declared to be of national importance under the law made by the Parliament or from distortion, destruction, removal, disposal or export, as the case may be.

Article – 50 : Separation of Judiciary from Executive

This article propounds Montesquieu's principle of separation of powers. According to this, steps will be taken to separate the executive from the judiciary in the public services of the state.

Article – 51 : Promotion of International Peace and Security

According to this, the state includes promotion of international peace and security, maintaining just and honorable relations with other nations, respecting international treaties and rules, and peaceful settlement of international disputes through negotiation.

It clarifies peaceful foreign policy and coexistence. Policy and rules are made for international treaty by Article 253.

Other Duties of the State (as per different articles)

  • Article 253 - Making rules and policies for international treaty.
  • Article 335 - To take into account the claims of SC/ST in making appointments to the relevant services and posts, consistent with the maintenance of efficiency of administration.
  • Article 350A – Arrangement of education in mother tongue at the primary level for children belonging to linguistic minorities.
  • Article 351 – To increase the spread of Hindi language and its development, so that it can become the medium of expression of all the elements in the social culture of India and ensure its prosperity.


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