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Champaran Satyagraha - 1917

In this article on Farmer's Movement, we will learn about Champaran Satyagraha or Champaran Movement. In earlier articles we read about other peasant movements like Ramosi movement, Mopla rebellion, Indigo movement, Pabna rebellion, Deccan rebellion.

Ramosi And Moppila Rebellion - Farmer's Movement In British India

Champaran Satyagraha - 1917

  • Champaran Satyagraha was the first attempt by Gandhiji to use Satyagraha in India. It was only at the local level. The first use of Satyagraha at the national level was the Rowlatt Satyagraha (1919).
  • In fact, Champaran Satyagraha was a movement of farmers against 'Tinkathia method' in Bihar.
  • Champaran Satyagraha was limited to Bihar only.
  • The root cause of the Champaran Satyagraha was an agreement by the English planters with the peasants in the early 19th century, according to which it was mandatory for the peasants to cultivate indigo on 3/20th of their land. Due to the contract of cultivation in 3/20th part of the land, it was called 'Tinkathiya Method'.
  • At the end of the 19th century, German chemical dyes caused a lot of damage to the indigo market and almost out of the indigo market, which forced the European planters of Champaran to stop indigo cultivation and the farmers too wanted to get rid of the planters.
  • The English planters arbitrarily increased the rent and illegal taxes on the farmers to free them from the contract, due to which the farmers protested a lot in 1908.
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  • In 1917, Rajkumar Shukla of Champaran decided to call Gandhiji to Champaran and met him in Lucknow and followed him till Gandhiji relented.
  • On reaching Gandhiji's Champaran, the commissioner asked him to go back from there, which Gandhiji refused to accept and agreed to face any punishment. This step of Gandhi ji was a surprising step, due to which everyone was surprised. Later, on the pressure of the government, the commissioner allowed Gandhiji to go to the villages. This was Gandhiji's victory.
  • Rabindranath Tagore opposed Gandhiji on Champaran Satyagraha.
  • Braj Kishore, Rajendra Prasad, Mahadev Deshai, Narhari Parekh, JB Kriplani were with Gandhiji in Champaran Satyagraha. Apart from this, some intellectuals of Bihar province were also with them.
  • In Champaran Satyagraha, Gandhi ji along with his colleagues used to roam around the village and record their statements. Gandhiji recorded the statement of about 800 farmers.
  • Later this matter was taken seriously by the government and a commission was appointed in which Gandhiji was also elected as a member.
  • In his report, Gandhiji demanded the abolition of 'Tinkathia System' and 25% of the illegal recovery to be returned to the farmers, which was accepted by the government and the 'Tinkathia System' was abolished. According to Gandhiji, returning 25% amount was a great insult to the planters. They were embarrassed and within about a decade the gor planters left Champaran.
  • Due to the success of Champaran Satyagraha, Rabindranath Tagore gave Gandhi the title of 'Mahatma'.
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