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Deccan Rebellion of South India : 1874 - 75

In this Article of the peasant movement, we will get information about the riots against moneylenders and landlords in South India for their economic demands. Before this, we got information about other peasant movements like Ramosi movement, Mopla rebellion, Indigo rebellion and Pabna Rebellion.

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Deccan Rebellion of South India : 1874 - 75

  • The Deccan Revolt of the Peasants of South India started mainly in Poona and Ahmednagar districts of Maharashtra in 1875.
  • The main reason for the Deccan rebellion was the high rent collected by moneylenders and moneylenders from the peasants under the Ryotwari land revenue system.
  • In fact, due to the American war in 1860, there was a huge increase in the demand for cotton, due to which the price of cotton also increased. But after the end of the war, its demand decreased, due to which the farmer suffered crop loss. And the farmers got buried under the burden of rent. At the same time, in 1867, the government increased the rate of rent by about 50%, due to which the farmers were further broken.
  • The farmers were left with no option but to take loans from moneylenders and moneylenders to pay the rent.
  • The moneylenders and moneylenders, who were mostly Marwaris and Gujaratis, used to trap the farmers in their clutches by mortgaging their property to give loans and exploited them in different ways. In this way the anger of the farmers against these moneylenders and moneylenders increased.
  • The Deccan rebellion broke out in December 1874 when a moneylender named Kaluram in Kardah village of Sirur taluka took a degree from the court against a indebted farmer and under this he was to get possession of the farmer's house.
  • Even after the villagers persuaded Kaluram, he did not agree, due to which the villagers started boycotting the 'outside moneylenders'. Under the Deccan rebellion, farmers and villagers stopped buying goods from the shops of moneylenders and moneylenders, stopped plowing their fields. Parja (Bulotidars) of the village i.e. the barber, washerman, carpenter, blacksmith, cobbler etc. of the village were banned that they would not do any work of moneylenders. Also, the servants working in their homes were banned. Finally, when the moneylenders started leaving the village, no one was ready to pull their carts or provide them a ride. The farmer who did not participate in the boycott of moneylenders, was also thrown out of the fraternity.
  • In this way, this movement also spread in the districts of Poona, Ahmednagar, Sholapur and Satara.
  • When the above steps of the Deccan rebellion did not work, the peasants gathered in the Supa area market of Bhimthari taluka on May 12, 1875, on the afternoon of the market day, and attacked the houses and shops of moneylenders. They snatched the agreements, prenotes and other loan documents which were forcefully written by the moneylenders and burnt them openly. In this way this incident spread in other districts also.
  • There was very little violence in the Deccan rebellion and it was easily suppressed because it was confined to a limited area.
  • Even through the Deccan rebellion, anti-colonial consciousness did not awaken in the farmers or the general public.
  • The government appointed the Deccan Nuisance Commission to investigate the nature and causes of the riots, according to which the only reason for the Deccan rebellion was considered to be the poverty and indebtedness of the farmers. Later, through the Deccan - Farmers Relief Act - 1879, some protection was provided to the farmers against moneylenders.
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