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Ahmedabad Movement : 1918

The Ahmedabad movement of 1918 is an important movement, in which Gandhiji organized a movement to protect the interests of the workers against the mill owners.

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Ahmedabad Movement : 1918

  • The main reason for the Ahmedabad movement was to end the plague bonus given to the laborers by the mill owners.
  • The mill workers wanted to retain this bonus because according to them the inflation due to the First World War had increased a lot. And the amount of bonus that was being received was much less than the increased inflation.
  • The British Collector sent Gandhiji to pressurize the mill-owners to settle the matter.
  • After talking to both the parties, Gandhiji decided to hand over the matter to the tribunal on the consent of both the parties, but later on the pretext of strike, the mill owners broke away from the tribunal and announced 20% bonus and threatened that The laborer who does not accept this, will be fired from the job.
  • Gandhiji was disappointed with this announcement and advised the workers to go on strike.
  • During the strike, every day there was a meeting of laborers on the banks of Sabarmati and Gandhiji used to address it. The workers were advised not to commit violence. A daily bulletin was also published.
  • Meanwhile, Gandhiji studied the cost of production, profit and living expenses of the laborers and demanded 35% bonus.
  • In order to increase the enthusiasm of the workers in the strike, Gandhi himself decided to sit on a fast and promised that if the workers reached the brink of starvation due to the strike, he himself would starve.
  • This had a deep impact on the mill owners and they decided to refer the matter to the tribunal.
  • Ambalal Sarabhai's sister Anusuiya Ben was with Gandhiji, one of the mill owners in the Ahmedabad movement.
  • The Ahmedabad movement came to an end with the handing over of the matter between the mill-workers and the mill-owners to the tribunal.
  • Later the tribunal decided to give 35% bonus to the mill workers. In this way, the efforts of Gandhiji were victorious.
  • The wages of laborers increased by 27.5% through the Ahmedabad movement, which is counted among the highest increases ever.
  • It was during the Ahmedabad movement that Gandhiji gave the 'principle of trusteeship', according to which 'the capitalist is the trustee to protect the interests of the labourers'.
  • In 1918 itself, Gandhiji founded the 'Ahmedabad Textile Labor Association', which was the largest trade union of the time.

Read about other movements 


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