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Ocean Current - Part 3, Pacific Ocean Currents

Under Ocean Currents - Part 1, Ocean Current Stream & its Origin, we learned about the origin of ocean currents and their types. Under  Ocean Current - Part 2 , Atlantic Ocean Currents, we learned about the Atlantic Ocean Currents. Under Ocean Current - Part 3, Pacific Ocean Currents, we will learn about the Pacific Ocean Currents. We will study the world mainly by dividing it into three regions, Whose brief details are given below –

Pacific Ocean Currents

Pacific Ocean Currents

Pacific Ocean is surrounded by America, Australia, New Zealand, Philippines, Japan, China etc. We will also understand the Pacific Ocean currents by the water currents of the Northern Hemisphere and the Southern Hemisphere as per convenience.

        A . Water Currents of the Northern Hemisphere

        B.  Water Currents of the Southern Hemisphere

Statue of Equality

A . Water Currents of the Northern Hemisphere

Following are the Northern Hemisphere currents - 
  1. North Equatorial Current (warm current)
  2. Kuroshio current (warm current)
  3. Kurile Current or Oyoshiwa Current (cold current)
  4. Tsushima Current (Warm Current)
  5. North Pacific Current (warm current)
  6. Alaska Current (Warm Current)
  7. California Current

1. North Equatorial Current (warm current)

Due to the high temperature near the equator, the water gets heated and is carried away by the trade winds. This current starts from the west coast of Central America and flows from east to west till the Philippines Islands.

2 . Kuroshio current (warm current)

Due to the influence of trade winds near the Philippines Islands, the North Equatorial Current turns north and runs along the east coast of south central China, Taiwan and Japan. Here it is called Kuroshio Current. Due to its deep blue color on the coast of Japan, the Japanese people call it the 'Black Stream of Japan'. Moving forward from here, it joins the cold current called Kurile.

3. Kurile Current or Oyoshiwa Current (cold current)

It starts from the Sea of Okhotsk and flows south along the coast of Siberia, passing through the Bering Strait. Proceeding from here, it joins the Kuroshivo warm current near Hokkaido island of Japan, which causes dense fog here. This place is a vast area for fish collection.

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4. Tsushima Current (Warm Current)

Near the Japan Islands, a part of the Kuroshivo Current separates from Kuroshivo Island and starts flowing from Japan to South Korea, which is called the Tsushima Current.

5. North Pacific Current (warm current)

When the Kuroshivo current moves forward after meeting the Kurile current, it moves towards the east due to the influence of the westerly winds. Here the expansion of this stream becomes very much, which is called the North Pacific Current. It gets divided into two parts after reaching the coast of North America. Out of these, one branch moves towards the north while the other branch flows towards the south.

6. Alaska Current (Warm Current)

After the division of the above-mentioned North Pacific Current on the coast of America, one branch of them flows towards the north and enters the Gulf of Alaska and moves along the coast of Alaska. This is called the Alaska Current.

7. California Current

The second branch of the North Pacific Current turns south and runs along the coast of California, which is called the California Current. From here, it joins the North Equatorial Current in the south.

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B.  Water Currents of the Southern Hemisphere

Following are the Southern Hemisphere currents - 
  1. South Equatorial Current (warm current)
  2. New Guinea Current (warm current)
  3. East Australia Current or New South Wales Current (warm current)
  4. South Pacific Current or Antarctica Current
  5. Peru or Peruvian or Humboldt Current (cold current)
  6. El - Nino Current

1. South Equatorial Current (warm current)

This current is also generated by the influence of trade winds similar to the North Equatorial Current. It starts from the west coast of South America and flows west to the east coast of Australia. It divides into two parts near the island of Papua New Guinea. One of its branches moves forward along the northern coast of Papua New Guinea, while the other branch turns towards the south.

2 . New Guinea Current (warm current)

After the division of the above South Equatorial Current, the branch which moves along the coast of Papua New Guinea is called New Guinea Current.

3. East Australia Current or New South Wales Current (warm current)

After the division of the above South Equatorial Current, the branch which turns south and flows along the coast of East Australia is called East Australia Current or New South Wales Current.

4. South Pacific Current or Antarctica Current

It flows parallel to the South Equatorial Current but in the opposite direction between the South Pacific Ocean and Antarctica. It is affected by the effect of westerly winds, hence it is also called 'westerly wind flow'. Its direction is from west to east.

5. Peru or Peruvian or Humboldt Current (cold current)

The cold current running from west to east in the Antarctic Ocean collides with Cape Horn in South America and divides into two parts. One branch runs from south to north along the east coast of South America, which is called Falkland Current. It is cold.

While the other branch flows north along the Peruvian coast of South America with the help of the western edge. This current near the coast of Peru is called Peru Current or Peruvian Current. Due to its discovery by Humboldt, it is also called 'Humboldt Dhara'.

6. Counter-Equatorial Current (warm current)

It also flows in the opposite direction between the North and South equatorial currents, just like the Atlantic Ocean. See Ocean Current - Part 2 , Atlantic Ocean Currents

7. El - Nino Current

It is a current flowing from north to south in the eastern Pacific Ocean at a distance of 80 km from the coast of Peru. In fact, it is a form of counter-equatorial current. When it reaches the coast of the East Pacific Ocean, its temperature and speed increase greatly. Because of this feature, it is called the El Nino current. When it turns south in the eastern Pacific Ocean and flows along the west coast of South America from 3°0 – 36°0 south latitudes, it is responsible for the El Nino condition. In this way, due to the formation of low air pressure on the coast of Peru, high air pressure is generated in the western Pacific Ocean. As a result of which the Indian monsoon becomes weak. On the contrary, if high air pressure is formed on Peru, then low air pressure will be formed in the western Pacific Ocean, as a result of which the Indian monsoon becomes active.


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