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Energy Sources And Energy Crisis

Energy Sources

Energy can be an indicator of the economic progress of a country. In a country where the average per capita energy consumption is high, the standard of living of the citizens of that country is considered high. As the population of the country increases, the per capita energy consumption will also increase. Our country India is still far behind in terms of per capita average energy consumption. The reason for this is the availability of limited energy resources with India. India imports most of its requirements from abroad. If we have to move forward on the path of progressive progress, then we have to keep in mind the energy crisis as well and accordingly we have to run an awareness campaign among the general public. There can be many reasons for the cause of Energy Crisis .

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We need energy not only for domestic, industrialization, transportation but also for agricultural works. There can be many causes of energy crisis in our country. We have to develop new energy options according to our own energy crisis. On the one hand, where traditional energy sources like coal, oil, natural gas etc. are getting depleted at a rapid pace, on the other hand, renewable energy sources like solar energy, wind energy, The amount of energy generated from tidal energy etc. is not according to the demand. We have to import the material used for nuclear energy from abroad, due to which we are lagging behind in this field.

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Cause of Energy Crisis

In the present context, due to the invasion of Ukraine by Russia and the sanctions imposed on Russia by European countries, an energy crisis may arise in Europe. Most of the countries of Europe are dependent on Russia for their energy needs, and Russia's decision not to give them oil and gas or trade it in their country's currency ruble can create a serious energy crisis in Europe. However, assurances have been given by America for the supply of energy to Europe. The effect of the energy crisis that originated in Europe is visible all over the world. Oil and gas prices are increasing all over the world.

At the time of World War II, the people of Europe had stopped the use of their motor vehicles to help their country, so that oil could be given to their soldiers to fight. During 1973, the speed limit on the United National Highways was temporarily reduced to 50 mph or 80 km/h. At present Russia-Ukraine war, Europe-Russia tension and Russia-America tension can invite energy crisis. Along with this, tension from many other countries of America like Iran, China etc. can also create energy crisis. We need to think very carefully and closely on this.

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Our Traditional Energy Resources, Which Can Lead to an Energy Crisis

1. Hydro Power Generation and Environmentalist

In the recent years, due to less rains, there has been a decrease in hydro power generation capacity. Apart from this, objections are expressed by various environmentalists regarding the production of hydropower. Its gestation period is more.

2. Fossil Fuel – Coal

There are reserves of coal in our country India, but very few of them produce the best quality coal. Due to the poor quality of coal, thermal power plant produces less heat and more ash content, disposal of which is also a big challenge. In the production of electricity from these power plants, a large amount of carbon dioxide is also found in the atmosphere, which is causing a new crisis by increasing global warming. Along with this, the mining of coal is also not being done according to the requirement of the demand.

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3. Natural Gas

Natural gas reserves are also less in our country. We have to depend on foreign countries for natural gas. Any incident or war abroad, at present Russia-Ukraine war, Russia-America and Europe's tension will increase the prices of gas, which will affect both its import and cost.

4. Nuclear Energy

Nuclear energy is produced by the nuclear fission of uranium, a radioactive substance. It can meet our energy needs, but the availability of raw materials required for this is very less in India. We have to import it from abroad, due to which a large number of nuclear plants have not been established in our country. Due to India's independent nuclear policy, nuclear exporting countries impose many conditions, which affect our presence in this area.

India has plenty of Thorium, an alternative to Uranium, but techniques like Fast Breeder Reactor have not yet been developed to use it. It is expected that our scientists will develop this technique soon. Which will prove to be an important step in India becoming self-sufficient in the energy sector.

4. Other Factors

We are getting energy through renewable energy sources such as wind energy, tidal energy, solar energy etc., but not according to the requirement. There is a need to increase the working efficiency of photovoltaic cells used for solar energy. These cells are often going bad soon.

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