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Know Your Joint Pain : Cause , Home Remedies & Exercise

There are many joints in our body present. they are important parts of the body to move our body or we can say that these joints helps our limbs ( hand , leg , neck , shoulder etc. ) to move our body. there are also many permanently fix joints present in our body. our head or face is example of fix joints. due to any reason when a person feels pain in joints , it called Arthritis. when joint pain occurs in many joints , then it called Polyarthritis it may be awkward and influence their capacity to participate in day by day exercises. joint pain make a man handicapped. His all daily routine disturbed. There are much pain in the joints that can’t be bearable. 

Know Your Joint Pain

Joints of The Body & It’s Types

A joint is a place of the body where two or more bones make contact and as a result of many joints , the whole skeleton system of body formed. in other words we can say that the body is made as a result of different kind of joints between bones. many of joints are moveable whereas many are fixed. these joints make the body movable. there are mainly three types of joints present in the body, that is –

  1. Fibrous Joint
  2. Cartilaginous Joint
  3. Synovial Joint

1. Fibrous Joint

These joints are immovable in nature. the joints of cranium in the skull , the joints between teeth and the sockets are examples of the Fibrous joint. these joints are permanently fix, making the shape of our body parts.

2. Cartilaginous Joint

These joints are partially movable. in this joint the cartilage joints the bones. pubic joint is the example of cartilaginous joint , in which left and right pubic bones are bind together.

3. Synovial Joint

These joints are movable. due to this type of joints the body parts moves freely. in this type the bones has a cavity and is filled with a fluid , which is called synovial fluid. the fluid allows bones to move freely. our limbs joints are the best example of synovial joints.

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Cause of The Joint Pain

Usually the reason behind the joint pain is injury , infection , illness and inflammation , damage of the cartilage , bleeding in the joint space. In older people the joint pain is common mainly knee pain , shoulder pain etc. these pains are may be due to the shrinking of synovial fluid , damage of cartilage or other things. many laboratory tests reveals the reason behind the joint pain such as uric acid test , C – reactive protein , erythrocyte sedimentation rate etc.

Home Remedies For The Joint Pain

At home you take care of your joint pain by relaxing the joint or resting the injured area , wrapped the area with applying the elastic bandage , applying ice packs ,applying heat bags on area, applying massage with ayurvedic massage oil or essential oil , pain relief spray & lotion & ointment that is easily available at the any medical store , some pills are also available at medical store which is taken by the doctor prescription only. except these you can try out Yoga , Exercise , Walking etc.

Some natural herbs also provide relief in joints pain as Ashwagandha , Guggul , Shilajit , Suranjan , Turmeric , Glucosamine and chondroitin , Apple cider vinegar , Ginger extract , Cayenne pepper & olive oil paste , Epsom salt ( contains magnesium and sulfate ) etc. before taking these herbs you should take advice from your doctor or expert in it.

Exercise & Yoga For The Joint Pain

many exercise are advised by the physiotherapist to the patients for joint pain. these exercise are beneficial for their joints . some exercise are as follow. you can try these but in a right manner and after advice of the doctor or expert.

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1. Wall squats

In this exercise firstly stand straight back with the wall , and then slowly move your feet front out keeping your back against the wall to bend your knees and hips in a seated position. in this position your knees are in line with your hips and your ankles are directly under your feet pointing in line with your toes.Hold this position for 30 seconds and then come up slowly to rest. repeat this for five times.

2. Isometric Lunge

In this exercise, stand straight and then step one foot back and lower down into a lunge position until you fill a high level of pain or your knees touches the ground . your front knee must be in line with your front ankle. your back knee stays right under the hips. hold this position for 30 – 40 seconds , and then stand up slowly . repeat this three to four times.

3. Virabhadrasana

stand straight then move your legs 3 – 4 feet apart from each other. turn your right leg at 90 degree . after this raise both hands to the side keep them in parallel to the ground , the palm must face the ground. exhale and bend the right knee. balance your body . now exhale and bring the right palm down to normal condition.repeat the same for left leg.

4. Trikonasana

stand straight making 3 – 4 feet distance between bend your right leg out. exhale and turn your body to the right .touch the ground with your left hand and right hand together.both hands should be in the straight line.stay in this position for 15 seconds. come back slowly to the previous position with inhaling. repeat the same for other side.

5. Balasana

firstly kneel on your knees together and sits on your heels.take a deep breath and extend your arms and lean forward and lower your forehead.make sure you are in a sitting position and your body does not lift off the ground. stay in this position for some time and breath normally.slowly relax your arm and come back to the sitting position.

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