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Alternative of Cigarette Smoking

Cigarette Smoking

Cigarette smoking is a smoke. Tobacco and other mixed substances are filled inside the cigarette. When addicted to it, it is very harmful for the body’s organs, mainly the lungs. Lung cancer is caused by this, due to which a person can also die. A person exposed to harmful tobacco-containing smoke emitted by cigarette smoking is also affected. This is called passive smoking. According to a report, most of the youth who smoke at present want to quit it and in a year only one person out of every 10 people is successful in quitting it. Quitting addictive habits and addictions like smoking is not so easy, yet you should try. There are some alternatives available on the market to help you quit cigarette smoking, which may help you. But use them only according to the advice of the doctor.

Cigarette Smoking - street studies

Alternative of Cigarette Smoking

  1. Nicotine Patches and Gum
    • Nicotine Patches
    • Nicotine Gum
  2. Herbal Cigarettes
  3. Vaping

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1. Nicotine Patches and Gum

Nicotine patches and gum prove to be very helpful in quitting cigarette addiction. These are two of the oldest and most trusted substances to help you quit cigarette smoking. These substances reduce the amount of nicotine in the affected person and provide a similar pleasurable craving. Gradually the person comes out of the habit of smoking cigarettes. Guidelines for how to use nicotine patches and gum are available on the US CDC website –

i. How to Use Nicotine Patch?

  1. According to the CDC, nicotine patches come in three categories – 7 mg, 14 mg and 21 mg. Which dose to take depends on how many cigarettes you smoke in a day. For this consult your doctor. According to the CDC, if a person smokes more than 10 cigarettes a day, then he should use a patch of 21 mg. Do not wear two patches at once unless otherwise advised.
  2. After waking up in the morning, apply it on clean skin and keep it for 24 hours. It can also be worn while taking a bath. If you are having vivid dreams during the night or your sleep is disturbed, then take off this patch and apply a new patch again in the morning.
  3. The patch is usually applied to areas of the upper body such as the chest, upper arm, shoulder, back, or inner arm. Avoid applying it to areas that are oily, scorched, or damaged or with excess hair. After applying the patch, press it down tightly so that it sticks to your skin.
  4. After applying the patch, wash your hands and fingers thoroughly with hand-wash to remove nicotine from your fingers.
  5. Apply the patch daily to different places of the body, so that the skin does not get irritated.
  6. If the patch becomes loose or falls off, replace it with a patch. Carefully fold and remove the old patch.
  7. Keep nicotine patches (new and old) out of reach of children and animals.
  8. If the patch is ingested by children or animals, take it to a first aid center immediately or contact a control center.

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ii. How to Use Nicotine Gum?

  1. Nicotine gum is chewed in the mouth, which is different from regular chewing gum. It comes in two categories – 2 mg and 4 mg. How many doses of it to take and at what time, it depends on your cigarette smoking addiction. According to the CDC report, if you smoke your first cigarette within 30 minutes of waking up in the morning, you should use the 4 mg pack.
  2. Use a piece of gum every 1-2 hours for the first 6 weeks of trying to quit smoking cigarettes. It should be taken as per doctor’s advice. With time, it should be used 1 piece at 2 – 4 hours respectively and after that 1 piece at 4 – 8 hours.
  3. If you use gum with nicotine patches, consult your doctor.
  4. Do not eat or drink anything for 15 minutes before or during the use of nicotine gum. Acidic substances such as soda and coffee prevent the gum from doing its job.
  5. Keep it out of reach of children and animals.

2. Herbal Cigarettes

Cigarette smoking can also be got rid of by using herbal cigarettes. Instead of tobacco, herbal cigarettes contain a mixture of flowers, herbs and other natural ingredients. But some research has also come to know about its side effects. Therefore, it should be used carefully as per the advice of the doctor. However, it reduces the addiction of cigarettes.

3. Vaping

This is also a method of smoking, in which electronic vaping devices are used. These are usually filled with nicotine or other chemicals. On heating this liquid vapor is released, which is ingested by the mouth. To quit smoking cigarettes, it may be beneficial to vaporize this device by filling juice or other synthetic substance. This device helps in reducing the dependence on nicotine. Vaping is an alternative to quitting cigarettes, but it should also be used carefully according to the advice of a doctor. Vaping addiction should be avoided.

It is wise to leave your bad habits or addiction in time. For this, you should use the option of smoking as per the advice of your doctor. This will certainly prove helpful in getting you rid of cigarette smoking or any addiction. Improve your health by giving up your bad habits.

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