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How Addiction Affects The Body ?

Addiction or Bad Habits

Addiction means getting used to some object or activity. When a person’s habits become his addiction. He doesn’t even know it. If someday he does not get this object or activity of which he has become accustomed, then he becomes restless. Our body is a wonderful machine made by God. The parts of this body have certain functions and their limitations. But when a person starts using more of something, then our body also adapts to those substances. When a person stops taking these substances, then he experiences a decrease in physical or mental level. He always feels hallucinations. Then it is said that the person has got addicted to this substance. Bad habits not only adversely affects a person’s health and happiness, but it also leaves a deep impact on relationships with others. Due to this, the person starts having problems at home, workplace and school or other places as well. When the addicted person thinks of giving up his habits, his body does not allow him to do so easily.

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Addiction or Bad Habits - street studies

In a way we can say that whatever we do to our body, our body also does the same to us as a reaction. The healthier we make it, the healthier it will become and we will be healthy. In modern times, addiction is spreading rapidly by becoming a part of our lifestyle. People are becoming victims of harmful things like alcohol, drugs, steroids, cigarettes etc. These substances are harming the body’s organs like liver, kidney, heart etc. over time. Drugs work in the opposite way, that’s why the body has to work hard to get these substances out of the body. This work is more than the capacity of the organs. Therefore, with the passage of time, when the parts of the body become weak, the person is left with nothing but repentance.

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Addiction is not something that will go away on its own once you stop using the object or activity. It has psychological and physical effects on the person. Overcoming addiction is not an easy task. It is always said that any person can do anything on the strength of his will power. But this saying does not hold true in the case of addiction. A person who has quit his addiction by going to a rehabilitation center may again become addicted to that substance or drug. The probability of this happening is up to 50%. Now it depends on the person whether he has to become accustomed to that object again or to stay away from that object.

How to Get Control of Addiction?

Controlling addiction is difficult, but not impossible. An addiction should not be given up suddenly . Suddenly quitting any addiction has a direct effect on our body. Sometimes even the life of the person is in danger. Therefore, to quit the bad habits, consult a doctor with firm confidence and follow that advice.

  1. Know the nature of your addiction
  2. Know your limits
  3. Make up your mind
  4. Consult a doctor
  5. Do things of your interest
  6. Escape loneliness
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1. Know the Nature of Your Addiction

First of all, you have to find out what object or activity you have become accustomed to. Addiction is not only to drugs. You can also get addicted to watching mobile, playing games, eating excessive food, sleeping more, watching adult movies etc. So it is important that you know the nature of your addiction. Be it because of some intoxicant or due to some other activity. After recognizing the nature of addiction, pay attention to what physical problem you are facing due to this addiction.

2. Know Your Limits

After knowing the nature of addiction, you can see to what extent you can stay away from it. Determine your limits. Make a list that leads you to those bad habits. Also decide which place or person leads you to those habits.

3. Make Up Your Mind

The most important thing to give up your bad habits is to make a determination to quit that addiction. This determination will definitely get you rid of that addiction.

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4. Consult a Doctor

Make sure to consult a doctor to get rid of your addiction. Take the medicines given by him regularly on time and follow the points suggested in the consultation. The remedies given by the doctor will bring you a lot of benefits.

5. Do Things of Your Interest

To get rid of the addiction , indulge in the things you enjoy that make you happy. Arouse your interest and do related activities. These small activities will make you mentally strong. Will make your life happy and take you on the path of living life again.

6. Escape Loneliness

Bad habits are also a major reason for loneliness, so stay away from loneliness. Often people under the influence of a feeling of loneliness start taking drugs or become a victim of some activity. Make friends and join social groups to stay away from loneliness. Share your life experience and take inspiration from the lives of others. This small effort will take you a step further in quitting addiction.


According to the above points, we can say that as easily a person becomes a victim of bad habits or addiction, he has to face the same difficulties and difficulties in getting out of them. It takes a lot of money along with time to get rid of this addiction. But the most important are – your self confidence, strong will power and determination. This guarantees that your efforts will be successful. In the end we can say that getting rid of bad habits or addiction is difficult, but not impossible. These habits can make or break your life.

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