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What is Living Classification? - A Brief Introduction

Living Classification

Scientists on the basis of their size, behavior, internal structure, body parts and their lifestyle and their activities present all the living things on our earth. Classification according to method into different groups and subgroups is called Living Classification.

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Taxonomic Science

The scientist who studies plants and animals and classifies them in different groups on the basis of their properties is called taxonomic science.

Street Studies

Divergence From Mendelism or Neomendelism

History of Living Classification of Organisms

( A ) According to Indian Scholars

  1. In Indian Vedas and Upanishads, the mention of living classification on the basis of morphological structure of animals and plants has been found.
  2. Indian Ayurvedacharya Sushruta studied living beings on the basis of their diversity and usefulness and classified them alive in his book Sushruta Samhita, in which he classified all immovable living beings i.e. plants as immovable and all as moving. Or all movable or moving living beings, that is, animals were classified in Jangama.
  3. In the book Charak Samhita composed by the Indian Ayurvedacharya Charak, the description of all plants with medicinal properties is found, which proved to be very useful in the field of medical science.
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    ( B ) According to Foreign Scholars

    1. Hippocrates and Democrats studied animals but they failed to give their living classification.
    2. Aristotle classified all living beings into main groups on the basis of their habitat, lifestyle, size and function. Due to his contribution, he is called 'Father of Biological Taxonomy'.
    3. Aristotle gave a living classification of animals in his book 'Historia Animalium', due to which he is also called 'Father of Zoology'.
    4. Theophrastus classified plants into different groups on the basis of their properties, structure and shape and published live classification through his book 'Historia Plantarum', due to which he is known as 'Father of Botany'
    5. Swedish naturalist Carolus Linnaeus presented a live classification of animals in his book 'Sistema Naturi', due to which he was called the 'Father of Taxonomy'. He Presented 'Bi-nominal Nomenclature' of nomenclature in the tenth edition of Systema Naturae.


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