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National Register of Citizens , NRC

In recent times, the National Register of Citizens (NRC) has become the subject of much discussion, many agitations have also taken place in the whole country regarding this. But confusion was created regarding NRC, by some chaotic elements. In today's article, we will understand the points related to NRC. If seen, the issue of NRC has not come up today, it was lying in a corner due to the indifferent government, which was prepared after the 1951 census in Assam.

NRC is a register containing the names of Indian citizens, which was created in 1951 after the Assam census. Its purpose was to find illegal immigrants in Assam. Through this it can be ascertained who are Indians and who are not. Assam is the only state in India, where the provision of National Register of Citizens (NRC) is applicable. Before knowing about the provisions and important points of NRC, it is necessary to know why it was brought? And who is harmed by this? Who benefits? To know these points, we have to know its history and background, which are as follows –

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If we talk about its background, then the source of its origin is from the womb of India's independence and the tragic partition of India. After the partition of India, many citizens of Assam whose home and land were here, after partition they went to East Pakistan (currently Bangladesh), but their home and land were located here. Due to this, he continued to move illegally in India (Assam) and East Pakistan. Due to illegal immigrants, the people here started a movement against them, after which the exercise to bring the National Register of Citizens (NRC) was started.

Violence and The Tripartite Pact

All Assam Students Union (AASU) was apprehensive that due to the settlement of such a large number of infiltrators and illegal migrants, the political rights, culture and civilisation, language and dialect and rights over land and economic activities of the natives are being affected. Around 1979, All Assam Students Union (AASU) and All Assam Gana Sangram Parishad (AAGSP) of Assam started a violent movement against the migrants living in Assam, intensifying the above movement, which lasted for about 6 years. Then after the intervention of the Central Government (the then Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi), an agreement was reached between the Central Government, the State Government and the two organizations in Delhi on 15 August 1985, which was named the Tripartite Agreement. Only then there was a stop to the violence prevailing in Assam for 6 years. The central government, the state government and both the organizations AASU and AAGSP were parties to this agreement. In this agreement, it was decided that the National Register of Citizens (NRC) of 1951 would be amended, and any caste-religion person who entered Assam after March 25, 1971 was to be identified. And on being non-Indian, they were asked to be thrown out of the state.

NRC in the Present Context 

At present, after the implementation of the Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA) 2019, the NRC got a boost and with this, widespread protests started across India. At present, countries like India where infiltration is happening day by day and new conspiracies are being hatched by the enemy nations. In all these works, they get full support of the illegal immigrants. It will not be wrong if we say that these infiltrators and illegal migrants are like a canker for the unity and integrity of not only India but any country in the world. Presently Indian Home Minister, Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of India said that NRC will not only be implemented in Assam, but it will be implemented in whole of India to find infiltrators. Which are important for the security and integrity of India. But there are many obstacles in implementing it, which we will briefly see below. Presently in updating and implementing NRC –

  • It took almost 5 years to update the NRC again.
  • Its cost is about 1220 crores.
  • For this work, 55000 government employees were included and about 64.4 lakh documents were examined.
  • Its complete draft was prepared by the Registrar General of India, under which it was announced that out of 3,29,91,384 total applications for NRC, 2,89,83,677 people were found eligible in the final draft. According to the Registrar General of India, it is a 'historic document'. This will be a certificate of being a resident of Assam.

Barriers to Implementation of NRC

In the National Register of Citizens (NRC), a person will need the necessary supporting documents to prove his identity. If the documents of any person –

  • If it is lost due to an accident, stolen or ruined and destroyed, it will be difficult to prove its identity.
  • What will happen if the family members do not have the required documents? Will these members be deported separately or together? There is no concrete answer to this question.
  • It can also force applicants to submit fake or forged documents.

Essential Documents Required for NRC

To prove their identity in the National Register of Citizens (NRC), that they are citizens of Assam (India), the following documents will be considered as claims. Earlier the number of these documents was 10, later 5 more documents were validated by the Supreme Court. In this way, now total 15 documents are valid for NRC.

10 Already Valid Documents

  1. Land & Tanancy Records 
  2. Permanent Resident Certificate 
  3. Passport Issued by Govt. of India 
  4. LIC Policy or Bank / Post Office Document 
  5. Govt of India / State Govt. Issued License or Certificate 
  6. Date of Birth Certificate
  7. Educational Certificate / Certificate Issued by Any Board or University
  8. Certificate or Documents Issued by Other Athorities
  9. Citizenship Certificate
  10. Central Govt. Job / State Govt. Job Certificate

5 Other Documents Validated by the Supreme Court

  1. The Names of The Ancestors Should be There in The NRC of 1951.
  2. Name in Voter list of January 1, 1966 
  3. Name in Voter list of March 4, 1971 
  4. Refugee Registration Certificate up to 1971
  5. Rashan Card Issued Before 1971

What Happens if Name is not there in NRC ?

The person whose name will not be in the National Register of Citizens (NRC), that person will be taken to the Detention Center. After that the evidence will be made available by the government to other countries (where they are citizens), if that country takes such illegal immigrants back to their country, then they will be handed over to that country.

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